COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

Basically all vaccine sales are going to decline slightly because of the growth in the anti-vaxx movement. But population growth will offset it and keep it slight. There’s been some bleedover from the anti-mrna people into anti all vaccines. Every day we’re one step closer to bringing Measles back!

I don’t think this is true because lot of vaccines over time get approvals/ recommendations for larger portions of population than their initial approval and this is a larger impact than antivax which still a small % of population. Historically the recommendations expand in scope over time. Prevnar expected decline is because they running out of eligible customers after boosts of catching up newly eligible groups. For example on prevnar:

The New York pharma got a huge boost back in 2014 when a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention committee recommended Prevnar 13 for adults over 65. But, based on a figure the company cited during a recent conference call, 30% of U.S. adults over 65 have already been vaccinated, Iervolino said.

Still, the vaccine could see a boost from a recently expanded FDA approval in adults 18 to 49, Iervolino noted. The expansion brings Prevnar’s label closer to a CDC committee recommendation in 2012 that adults 19 and older with immunocompromising conditions receive the vaccine.

Yeah that’s a good point. I guess the better way to put it is absent other forces like new approvals and population growth, there would be a slight decline. So, fewer people may get a flu shot or vaccinate their kids against Measles, but stuff still getting new approvals will still grow.

Good idea, close all the pharmacies at like 1pm today, and all of new year’s day too, because nobody needs scripts filled in a time sensitive manner this time of year.

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Wife was due Friday, delayed one day, now can’t fill until Tuesday


I think it started as a hangover thing and then the wellness grifters hopped on the train

O2 water.

IV for hangovers is pretty much bullshit. Time is what you need, although 8mg of Zofran with 1 L of D5-LR ain’t bad

Facebook is always reading the express, got this second ago on Facebook after switching tabs

So my tennis partner tested positive today.

About 10 days ago he pozzed
He did the Paxlovid 10-5 days ago
He negged by 5 days ago
2 days ago we played
Today he pozzed

My risk of exposure?

would guess pretty damn low. Not zero, but low

Thanks for confirmation.

The wife’s had “cold” symptoms for a few days, initial home test was negative, but today tested positive. We’ve taken no precautions until tonight… I wonder what my odds of escaping it are? (We’re both vaccinated and boosted with this year’s formulation.)

Had newest vax in sept, small holiday dinner with what turned out to be one pos, and I pos’d 2 days later (for first time). If you dodge it, philhellmuthdodgebullets.gif

This is basically what happened when I got it, and my wife and kids didn’t get it. I think some people are super infectious when they have it and some aren’t.

Agreed. When my son brought it home from school and gave it to me, there was a fuckton of contact between us and the wife/daughter before we tested, but neither of them got it.

About a year later, we went out with a bunch of other couples one night, and one of our friends tested positive the next morning. It got something like 7/10 of us sick (including me and my wife).

Yeah, the contagiousness of covid seems to be limited to either very particular time windows, to very particular people, or potentially both. A model where the average infected person is some constant level of contagious from some time at or shortly before symptom onset to some time at or shortly before being symptom-free doesn’t fit how outbreaks have actually gone well at all. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to know who is how contagious when, as both PCR tests and antigen tests have substantial shortcomings in that regard.

I also think testing can be pretty weird. On the day I tested positive my dog got skunked in the very early AM, which was super awesome. Anyway, when my son came downstairs he couldn’t smell it (he had no symptoms of illness). That was actually the thing that made me think my “cold” was COVID and that we all had it. So he and I went for PCR tests, I tested positive and he never did.

Also in unrelated news my wife admitted last night she believed (and still believes) I was malingering when I continued to test positive and stayed in isolation until day 10.

That is strange. Did your son smell other things then? Has his sense of smell come back?

At the time it felt like such a slam-dunk we didn’t do any further experimentation, and by the time the tests came back I already felt pretty crappy. But no long-term effects, I know that much.

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