COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

So it was one of those parties…

Seriously, how much the infected person is shedding, how the air flow is, humidity, air replacement, etc

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Now do Ivermectin

So, after avoiding COVID for 3.5 years, I tested positive for the second time in about 100 days two days after Christmas. Honestly, I don’t know what’s more impressive.

The crazy thing is that the only “symptom” I had was feeling slightly feverish, but not actually having a fever. I never saw the positive line pop so bright so quickly on two tests. I took Paxlovid that night. The worst of my symptoms was a bit of a Stuffy nose, and tested negative twice four days later.

I’m pretty thankful symptoms were as mild as they were, and that neither my wife or either kid caught it. But, I’m now very worried about developing Long COVID or the accompanied elevated heart attack and stroke risk … at 37.

Anyway, was wondering if anyone has seen any info or anecdotal evidence on immunity after JN.1? I got the latest booster just before Thanksgiving, but with two kids in school, I’m not sure how much added risk via socializing and being out and about I’m comfortable adding if I can pop a third infection immediately, if that makes sense. Curious if anyone’s heard or seen anything.

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Man, thank GOD, I persuaded anyone in my family who would listen to stay away from hydroxychloroquin.

I just talked to a dog Dad from our trail the other day. When he heard I’d been to India last year he said he wished he knew, apparently you can get lots of Ivermectin cheap there.


Maybe he has horses? :harold:


Ran some of the wildest codes ever because of hcq (it can cause some funky heart rhythms).

These people are effing murderers in my book. Especially medical professionals that promote quackery.

Well, we gave it to everyone too at first

You know what I mean, those that continued to prescribe and/or provided bad or even fake data to support.

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Maybe that’s why I still don’t have COVID…

More seriously, it looks like they tested cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid (aka CBGA and CBDA), not THC or THCA. Also, the acid forms of the cannabinoids are generally regarded as non-psychoactive, which could be good or bad depending on your perspective.

And smoking/vaping “decarboxylates” the acid forms into non-acid (e.g., THCA turns into THC), so blazing it would reduce or remove all the CBDA and CBGA that they tested.

I’m looking at the paper and seeing the following (bad news in bold, delta 9 THC is the “good stuff”):

During screening of botanical extracts using MagMASS, extracts of hemp (C. sativa L.) produced several hits (Figure 1D). Based on dereplication of the hits and follow-up assays using cannabinoid standards, the spike protein ligands with the highest affinities were identified as CBGA, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA-A), and CBDA (Figures 24, Supporting Information). The cannabinoids Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Δ8-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabichromene, cannabigerol, cannabinol, and cannabidiol showed only weak or no binding based on competitive binding MagMASS assays [(34)](javascript:void(0):wink: using equimolar mixtures (Table 1).

But I’m not a chemist, so if I’m off here someone let me know.

In the meantime, I’ll continue my field trials of cannabinoids for COVID prevention.

♪ I was gonna get the rona, but then I got high ♫

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Kaaron did a stream-of-consciousness covid review of HiS oWn ReSeArCh yesterday and seemed particularly rustled by Kimmel referring to ivermectin as “horse paste.” Of course he’s also a big fan of the HCQ. Over an hour of straight lunacy.

ESPN will eventually have to do something. Of course we are living in Bizarro world so maybe not.

Seems like they’re getting exactly what they paid for with McAfee, right? Seems reasonable to assume this is what they wanted.

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Some gnus

I’m sure Rodgers will take this well. How long before he’s a regular on Tucker?

3-4 years ago this guy was probably the most universally popular and likable athlete in the US. This is literally all about him being pissed that he got called out over the Covid vaccine, combined with the fact that apparently he’s the GOAT grudge holder. It’s like his entire brain broke at that moment.

He had a lot of cool claims: Dr. Fauci is the biggest spreader of false information regarding covid. The vaccine isn’t safe or effective. Masking isn’t effective. Horse paste and fish bowl cleaner are drugs that have been proven to be safe and effective worldwide, so we should look more at those for early treatment instead of Remdesivir which is a gov’t conspiracy. The doctors with the good ideas are the ones being silenced. I’m leaving out a half dozen or more other zingers because it was literally over an hour of this bullshit.