COVID-19: Year 4 - You down with JN.1?

You think this is wild but it’s literally what half the country (and 100% of my in-laws) believe to the letter, or should I say to the talking point.

There had to be a reason he is seemingly estranged from his family. I’m guessing it’s him.

I’m not saying he’s the reason we’re not friends, but if Aaron asked me to hang out I’d be like “nahhh I’m good”.

So we went to Canada and all my wife got was COVID.

Tested positive when we got home Monday night. So far mostly nasal congestion and drip causing an irritated throat. Family practice sent her to urgent care. They can hear just a touch of chest congestion. Put her on vitamin P.

I have no symptoms so far. We are doing the upstairs/downstairs things, otherwise masking if we are in the same space. Of course since we were on a trip we have the same exposure profile. I did get the recent booster, she did not.

Plan is to test us both thursday or Friday. Current guidance is 5 day quarantine (so through Saturday unless I restart the clock by pozzing).

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Hope it stays mild for her and you dodge it!

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Everybody I know has been sick recently or is sick now. Flu is kicking more asses than COVID in my circle - going later to get groceries, prescriptions, and cat food for a buddy who’s been down for three days. I’m dodging bullets over here.

I had my first whiff of sickness in 2 years last week. Mild cold or something, no fever but a runny nose for a few days, some phlegm and a nice bout of my archnemesis vertigo (this is the worst part by far). Hoping that was it for the year.

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Your description of the situation is very similar to my situation when my wife had COVID. We did isolation along the same lines, but after she had been symptomatic for a few days. I didn’t get it, for whatever reason. Hopefully you’ll avoid it too.

Thanks. Four days past her start of symptoms. So far so good.

Gonna test us both tomorrow.


Mrs +
Me -

She’s doing better. Starting to get some stomach upset from the vitamin P. Hopefully she can finish the full course this time. Will test us both again in a couple of days.


Not sure about this Ebright guy, don’t know anything about him, but Leonardi is one of my covid follows on Twitter and has not previously said anything about the origin of Covid as far as I know.

None of my other follows have commented on this yet. Any of our scientific minds have any insight?

Well it’s quoting a deleted post which is never a good sign

Also the biggest problem is that genetic modification leaves specific patterns in the genome it creates and it’s not there

The guy who deleted it did repost it, but he’s also a COVID lab origin guy dating back to at least 2021 so not a reliable source most likely. Curious to see what my other covid follows say, if they comment on it, as Leonardi is good within his lane IMO but also the kind of guy I could see getting swept up incorrectly in something like this.

Looks like some promising studies have been completed on the safety and effectiveness of far-UV light to kill airborne pathogens. Main issue is that it creates ozone which then has to be filtered out, and then the next issue is cost - it’s cost effective when you factor in the reduced absenteeism from basically nobody getting sick ever, but it’s still $2500 to $5K for a 750sqft space.

Jfc. On a call with an engineer from an ethanol plant in bumfuck Midwest. Mentioned the wife is on Paxlovid. He takes zinc and a low dose of ivermectin when he gets COVID.


During my trip to Houston I split an Uber with an interventional radiologist (that I didn’t know at all) who told me how covid was all exaggerated. He specifically claimed that car accident victims were counted as covid deaths if they tested positive on death certificates.

I tried to ignore it because of the vibes, but eventually I couldn’t. Told him maybe he had a different view from the IR suite but it didn’t seem exaggerated when I had to stack bodies in the corner of the ER because the morgue was full and we needed the bed.

It got reeeeeaaaalll quiet for awhile


You have to be great at ER med and also pretty good on a wide range cause you see absolutely everything from obstetrics to oncology to disease to cardiac….

It’s amazing how narrow some of these other specialties are and then you have this guy and Dr Paul, and Dr Carson talking like experts when they no less about infectious disease than your average microbiology major. But they got Dr in front of their name. Don’t see a lot of crackpot virologists talking stupid about COVID.

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If it works, just do it in schools and day cares. As parent of little ones, everything our family gets is picked up there. Those are also some of the most at risk


Schools, daycares, hospitals and doctors offices… Can I get poker rooms onto the list? Lol

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