Crapto thread: Going Blind to own the poors


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I think the most important takeaway here is that SBF should have donated to Republicans.


For anyone interested I’d say he’s getting about 25 years, plus or minus 5 years.

Madoff got 150. Im going over 30

If Biden loses pardon equity? Even if he wins commute after 4? Corruption dual edged sword. SBF lived an otherwise blameless life, after all.

Why would Biden pardon SBF?

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He gave the “Big Guy” a lot of money last cycle. And since we’re heading into an authoritarian hellscape, maybe it would be a good thing to signal D leaning big money donors that we will sacrifice the justice system for them if they get in a pinch, so they don’t default to Republicans.

The republicans would go to town just like the democrats didn’t when Trump sold pardons…


Hell yeah, rich assholes are always finding new ways to fuck themselves over, whether it’s submarines or UV lights.

Having trouble understanding how UV lighting caused these issues. Were they using tanning bed lights?

Imagine getting sunburned eyes

no idea if this is true but read it was the combination of powerful UV + it being very dark in there so the pupils are more dilated and vulnerable or something

it’s pretty common, especially on ski slopes

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Yeah, I thought I had seen a report that had specifics on the UV lights in use, but the doctors basically saying it’s like being snow blind really bad is probably good enough. Some idiot light designer didn’t know what he was doing and hurt people…


ok gentlemen, let’s review. the year is 2023, that’s two zero two three, and I am sorry to say that disney is launching a new NFT product

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Failure for whom? Isn’t Disney going to make a ton of money on the initial sales and then the market will crash and they will be worthless?

Looks like Disney just licensed out its characters, so they’re going to do just fine.