Crapto thread: Going Blind to own the poors

NFTs were definitely a cart before the horse sort of thing. Digital collectibles for a “metaverse” that doesn’t actually exist yet. If there’s a future version of this world where humans experience a significant enough amount of their life in a metaverse, then digital collectibles that exist within that world would have value. Until then, it was just a fun way to make some money for people who got in early.

Equating stuff in video games that make the game more enjoyable to “digital assets” seems wrong. That’s basically just saying that video games themselves are “digital assets”.

people pay hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars for purely cosmetic items, idk what else to call it. the game experience is not more enjoyable or any different. if no other players could see it, people wouldnt pay so much. otherwise you could just mod your game to give yourself whatever items you want.

Every single item in DOTA is 100% cosmetic and provides zero utility.

I run/maintain a site that allows regs to upload a small avatar and I have absolutely no idea how to make it “blockchain verified” or something. Complete waste of time.

radiobutton.hasBlockchainVerified = True;

I think that is visual basic code from the 90’s but you get the idea…

Ok so something I can buy in a game that makes my character faster != digital asset, but something I can buy in a game that makes my character look cool = digital asset?

I am not sure I really said that but I guess they both would be if people value them and shell out massive sums of cash for them? and can trade them? not sure why arguing semantics here

If you allow people to buy stuff to increase their performance you get a lot of negative press for “pay to win” and it demotivates people from grinding hours and hours on your game. If you let them have pretty things from loot boxes you don’t get the same bad press.

I don’t think we’re arguing semantics. Your original statement basically amounts to “we knew there would be a market for NFTs because people have historically spent money on digital goods (software, movies, music, games)”. Which is certainly a point.

You don’t need NFTs to make exclusive items in videogames, the whole crypto enterprise has been desperately searching for a real-world application for decades and this is the best they’ve got.

The part that confused me about NFTs is the idea of “exclusivity.” It isn’t as impressive to say I own the prime copy of this monkey and everyone else is just looking an exact copy of it, as it is to say I own an original painting.

Same with Counter Strike, those are both huge markets for this stuff people pay 5 and 6 figures for the highest end CS skins.

Hell i have a couple thousand dollars in CS skins that i paid pennies for 7 or 8 years ago. Could have made ridiculous returns if I’d treated it more like an investing opportunity and not something i just enjoyed messing around with and spending a few dollars on.

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yea I’m probably up around ~$5k lifetime on cosmetic items from CS and Rocket league. unfortunately epic just banned item trading so I’m probably out $1k in inventory i was sitting on

Valve would never do that to us :harold:

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SBF’s interview with stephanopolous is amazing to watch in light of what came out during his trial. they coulda just played clips from this and nothing else in light of other evidence and won. what a fuckin moron, hahahaha. he legit planned on blaming caroline the entire time. that was his entire plan. absolutely zero responsibility taken.

old george cornered him a few times and got him flustered even in this puff interview, i cant even imagine how bad he looked on the stand, hahahaha

My understanding is that SBF is so fucked that his lawyers are okay with him going on TV and doing these kinds of interviews.

Lol Crapto, this guy has enough money to pay a $4.3 billion fine!?


Binance for years didn’t have a program to prevent and detect terrorist financing and money laundering.


have fun staying poor