Crapto thread: Going Blind to own the poors

Have fun being poor


I’ll be honest it’s been slow enough at work that I’m starting to notice the size of my Amex bill. Why do you think I lost my shit at dentists this week?

The variance is I’ve gotten to play a looooooooooooot of video games the last month and change.

One of the biggest transfers of wealth in history, just billions of dollars sucked out of the pockets of regular schmucks right into the hands of the shittiest, most predatory Silicon Valley bros you can imagine.

eh, the BAYC price floor is still around $40k. I won’t call it done til those crash.

I won’t believe in this ‘price floor’ until wash trading isn’t possible.

Should I feel bad if I’m up on NFTs?


Oddly enough, I saw a guy with a BAYC in real life for the first time the other day.

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like on a shirt? how does that work?

Just a regular t-shirt with a BAYC printed on it.

Only if you are still holding them…

Long gone

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The following year, a murky FTX transaction implicated Bankman-Fried’s parents directly. During the company’s property-buying frenzy, the couple signed a deed to the sixteen-and-half-million-dollar beach house in the Bahamas where they stayed, although they hadn’t paid anything toward it. The bankruptcy suit insinuates that the arrangement was made at their son’s instigation. Bankman-Fried and his parents strongly deny this.

In an explanation that reflects more carelessness about signing legal documents than Stanford law professors typically possess, Bankman told The New Yorker that he and his wife signed the deed in error; that the house was intended to be company property; and that, after belatedly grasping the U.S. tax implications of attesting to owning it, they fulfilled their legal obligations by alerting company lawyers to their concerns.

Honestly the parents deserve the same sentence as the son in this case. Ironically Joe Biden’s relationship with Hunter is proof that you can be a great parent without using your own personal connections to put your kid in situations they are wildly wildly unqualified/dangerous for.

SBF’s friends and acquaintances from before he got rich all seemed to think he was full of shit. His parents had his entire childhood to learn what kind of person their son was… and they vouched for him about as hard as a person can.

Fully culpable for every single crime IMO. I don’t particularly care what the law is on the matter either. Their son is a dangerous sociopath who is deservedly going to spend a long time in federal prison. His parents made the impact of his actions orders of magnitude worse and happily enjoyed the high life with stolen money for years.

The world really needs to stop giving any deference to people associated with Stanford, Harvard, etc.

The guy stole a bunch of money and used it to buy mansions and charter jets. This shit isn’t complicated. And yet the media coverage around the guy still takes his effective altruism shit seriously and dutifully notes that the parents are nominally libs. Fuck off.


I’m really tired of news coverage of sociopaths that includes their tribal identity. Sociopaths use tribal identities for cover, they aren’t part of your group or any other group… they’re the literal wolves in sheep’s clothing the bible warns of. That’s how long this has been a problem.

I’m fully on board with giving every single one of these dirtbags ‘on my team’ the full Big Pussy Bonpensiero treatment every single time without the slightest regret. People make mistakes, having 400k+ in cash in your house or running a giant fraud using the group for cover are traitors and there’s a reason why treason is a capital offense.

Needless to say as big a personality disorder problem as the eDems have (and it’s very large) the GOP has it worse. It’s to the point where not being a complete piece of shit is so rare among the GOP politicians that the few that aren’t so afflicted have now pretty much quit.

How do you even hear a term like “effective altruism” and not roll your eyes? You just have to know anyone talking like that is up to some supervillain shit.

The whole business media world exists just to be a hype man for various scam artists. They thought Elizabeth Holmes was a supergenius, they thought Elon was real-life Iron Man, of course they listen carefully when some crypto scam artist tells them he’s super altruistic.

the real crime of all of this was the legendary staples center becoming the arena

I wish to fuck I could figure out how I can turn what’s left of my stupid crapto holdings on Exodus into cash so I can be done with that fucking nonsense finally

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Nah that was just funny. I love it when a stadium gets named after a scam. Really drives home the fact that the local tax payers got scammed, which they always always did.

Man, if SBF had actually followed through and paid Trump billions not to run he would have been a hero. Stealing billions from crypto bros to get rid of Trump? Oh well. He didn’t and he’s not.