Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

Didn’t expect Gaston to be a breakout hit.

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I guess I missed that part. These lower tier Oscar winners are ripe for upsets.

I generally agree, but I think that winning an Oscar is worthy of a bump in status, if nothing else as a sanity check on us being largely a bunch of middle age white dudes. All the Oscar winners survived a decent gauntlet of songs, sometimes including other Disney original songs, to win a popular vote of a group much larger than ours. But I wouldn’t be surprised if a few get bounced this round.

Your wife might have to pass the face melter torch to my younger daughter. Despite having been distinctly belting out Let It Go while sitting on the potty Monday evening, she voted against it and went with the Kite. AND she’s straight DOGBOT through three picks. I thought I had my girls’ picks nailed for sure, but it’s clear I know nothing.

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I think she’s already an advanced troll.


We got a tie brewing here :vince2:

And I got a couple girls who love Moana and who don’t like scary songs. But they haven’t re-listened and voted just yet. So who knows?

On the topic of hell yeah Disneyland

Alright, now that I’ve finally made up my mind, I’ll offer up my thoughts.

  1. Just so everyone knows, each set of 16 songs in each block of this round is competing against each other for a single slot in the Final Fantabulous Four. I think it’d be a massive upset bordering on injustice if Let It Go loses before then, and Let’s Go Fly a Kite is my least favorite song remaining. I’m shocked that Kite has any votes.
  2. Supercalifragilistic was seeded under Kite by random chance alone, but it’s the better song, even if they’re both kinda grating. I don’t think Prince Ali is even my favorite Aladdin song in this block, but it’s the winner here.
  3. I thought Gaston could go deep based on my memory of the song, but listening to it, I’m much less impressed. Le Fou and the chorus just don’t sound good, and that hurts the song a lot for me. Songs with bad singers have a place, but I am loathe to call them the very best Disney songs. Baby Mine is really touching, but it’s ultimately too simple to get my vote here. Not sure I’m going to give Gaston a second vote.
  4. Cruella De Vil has some serious potential as a song, but it needs to go somewhere beyond just the dad singing more-or-less a capella with a couple of verses of decent lyrics if it’s going to contend. I Wanna Be Like You is iconic, it tells a whole story, it’s got a bunch going on musically, and it fits the scene like a glove, while Cruella isn’t even a part of her own song. If it were just “Cruella de Vil, Cruella de Vil, if she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will” vs. “Oo Oo Oo, I wanna be like you oo oo,” I might go with the former, but we’re comparing whole songs here. I pick the upset.
  5. Can You Feel the Love Tonight is like the last two higher seeds where my memory of the song was perhaps better than what I’m actually hearing when listening again. I’ve heard Elton John sing his own song so much more than the version that’s actually in the movie that I forgot it was a woman singing the lead in the movie. I’m more OK with the unremarkable singing of Rosenkrantz and Gildestern Timon and Pumba here, as we’re supposed to hear the contrast of the dejected friends with the lofty highs of the loving couple, but I kinda wish we had Elton himself for the romantic part. Meanwhile, I really enjoy the rhythm of One Jump Ahead. It’s fun, it takes you right into the movie, and it establishes the character. I see I’m in the minority here, but I’m comfortable voting for the upset.
  6. Oooooooooooooof. Two absolute heartbreakers. The former is more iconic, but the latter is more interesting musically. I’m going with When She Loved Me because I think Snowman relies too much on the crutch of killing off the girls’ parents, which is captured much more in the animation than in the music, for its impact, while I get hit harder from just the music of When She Loved Me.
  7. I may just have to accept that I’m not a Phil Collins fan. In the Air Tonight doesn’t really do anything for me, and You’ll Be In My Heart doesn’t either. I pick the upset here, too.
  8. Another brutal choice. I’m taking This Is Halloween here, because it’s more musically interesting, and even without the words, you know this is a spooky Halloween song. How Far I’ll go doesn’t sound nearly as much of the Pacific islands to me.
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So far my two daughters and my wife and I have been doing all our votes by consensus, and then voting once. I’m thinking I need to make accoutns for each fo them though…

With that said, there’s a couple of these we’ve split evenly on and have had to flip a coin for.

Bump for votes! We got one tie and one song separated by just one vote, so some more input would be good.

When does voting close?

Oops, tomorrow. I thought it was today.

Well, despite many songs having 21 voters and the tied matchup having only 20, no one stepped up to break the tie. Thus, I went back to the same tiebreaker, and he declares that Do You Want to Build a Snowman? will advance.

Along with it, we had our first Oscar winner go down, as You’ve Got a Friend in Me takes down You’ll Be In My Heart. Our other upsets are How Far I’ll Go taking down This Is Halloween by a single vote, and I Wanna Be Like You taking down Cruella De Vil, a song that had received a bye due to many nominations in this very forum rather than how it was judged by the Academy.

The favorites to advance are Let It Go and Gaston, both in dominating style, and Can You Feel the Love Tonight and Prince Ali scoring decisive but less wide victories. Our second block is incoming.

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1 Seed: Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid


16 Seed: Touch the Sky - Brave

#1 Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid vs. #16 Touch the Sky - Brave
  • #1 Under the Sea – The Little Mermaid
  • #16 Touch the Sky - Brave
0 voters

8 Seed: Un Poco Loco - Coco


9 Seed: Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid

#8 Un Poco Loco - Coco vs. #9 Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid
  • #8 Un Poco Loco - Coco
  • #9 Kiss the Girl - The Little Mermaid
0 voters

4 Seed: Man or Muppet – The Muppets


13 Seed: I Just Can’t Wait To Be King - Lion King

#4 Man or Muppet – The Muppets vs. #13 I Just Can’t Wait To Be King - Lion King
  • #4 Man or Muppet – The Muppets
  • #13 I Just Can’t Wait To Be King - Lion King
0 voters

5 Seed: Poor Unfortunate Souls – The Little Mermaid


12 Seed: In Summer - Frozen

#5 Poor Unfortunate Souls – The Little Mermaid vs. #12 In Summer - Frozen
  • #5 Poor Unfortunate Souls – The Little Mermaid
  • #12 In Summer - Frozen
0 voters