Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

  • I was hoping for this matchup to be a blockbuster between Let It Go and Gaston. Instead we get…this. At least my vote is easy.
  • “How Far I’ll Go”? Hopefully no further against the much superior Lion King classic.
  • I love I Just Can’t Wait To Be King, but Under The Sea is too elite.
  • Meh. Little Mermaid song I guess.
  • Hit the bricks Bruno.
  • Going back and forth on this one. This is the best matchup of the tournament so far.
  • Whistle Stop’s Cinderella run (or is it Robin Hood run?) has been entertaining, but we’re in the big boy rounds now.
  • Circle of Life in a laugher.
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As it should be

let it go is gonna win the whole thing and im gonna quit the forum

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I’ve still got Circle of Life as the massive favorite.

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We can all stop this right now by voting for the superior Jungle Book song!

I would have voted against it this round, but people lost their minds and decided to put that mid-tier Jungle Book song here instead of Gaston.

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This is where the voting gets almost impossible for me.

Although there were more good songs I had to vote against, this was the easiest round to vote for me because I have heard and solidified my opinions of these songs in prior rounds.

I’m happy to see the #21 pick from Robin Hood go this deep.

I fail to understand this forum’s affinity for Beauty and the Beast. Big time wtf at those two songs winning this round.

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yea lol

when you wish upon a star boggles my mind too

When You Wish can largely be explained by being the de facto theme song of the whole Disney brand and by having enjoyed perhaps the easiest course of any song in the tourney. It’s hardest matchup was its first (after having already enjoyed a bye), and its next two were against songs that basically everyone here agreed had worn out their welcome when it faced them.

It’ll be up against Circle of Life next (speaking of songs with easy paths, although Surface Pressure is legit competition that it is beating fair and square).

Circle of Life on course to wafflecrush


When you wish upon a star tho.

Circle of Life being released in 1994 hits this voting demographic hard

I get that When You Upon a Star is the Disney Theme. But it is 1940.

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I’m a fan of the Disney movies that aren’t just the tired Disney princess storyline. So seeing some of my favorite movies go down to Frozen and Beauty & the Beast is annoying.

Frozen and Moana both follow the Hero’s Journey archetype. They’re not the same plot as Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid.

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If When You Wish Upon a Star beats Circle of Life, I’m quitting this forum forever. I will have lost all respect.


frozen is a garbage movie and i’ll die on this hill