Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

Also excludes some decent material from Descendants.

Alright, I donā€™t think we even have a half full bracket at this point, people. Iā€™m going to submit my noms and lean on my family, but we need to get some more nominations ITT.

Every song from the jungle book and the lion king.


Do you want to expand to non-Disney childhood animated movies?

Was Gaston nominated already?

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Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmatians
I Just Canā€™t Wait To Be King - Lion King

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Honestly, this should probably be a contender

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Technically this is Disney

Not sure if this is technically eligible, but gonna try it anyway:

The Sorcererā€™s Apprentice - Fantasia

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I appreciate the sentiment behind this, but the song is not original to the movie.

Itā€™s been nominated before, but repeat noms get it higher seeding, so more Gaston lovers are welcome to chime in to help it.

@CaffeineNeeded any more noms from CaffeineWife?

Some of the racist Disney songs are kinda bangers if you get desperate.

OK I got one

There was an unfinished Disney song draft 5 years ago on POG. Here was my team

Cruella De Ville
Under the Sea
Jackā€™s Lament
Do you Want to Build a Snowman?
Remember Me
Man or Muppet

Every single song from Nightmare Before Christmas is an absolute banger except Sallyā€™s song

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Been a tough couple days here. Iā€™ll get some tomorrow

I care less about the timing than the inclusion of a self-proclaimed passionate fan.

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Under the Sea in the 3rd fucking round is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick, I had been working my way from the bottom to the top of your list debating whether DYWTBAS or RM was the better pick, but then I couldnā€™t believe you didnā€™t pick Under the Sea first or second.

Lol, if you raise the 10 song limit I will give you more nominations.