Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

It looks like the text in a poll title cannot be changed after 5 minutes, even by a moderator.

To add some additional contrasting of the songs but perhaps without adding any clarity as to how you should vote,

Let It Go tells a better story. It’s more complete in that regard, and even the music itself, how it pulls from For the First Time in Forever right before switching to the chorus, the song is a whole story into itself. Under the Sea paints a vivid picture, but it’s not as much of a story to itself. That said though, Under the Sea has a better message. Right from the opening lyric: “The seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake,” it’s about enjoying what you have and where you are and all the people around you rather than lusting after the unattainable. Let It Go, meanwhile is about … wanton disregard for one’s parents, anyone else who might be affected by the cold, and, uh, hollllllllllllllllllll up, did you just say no right or wrong, either? Ice powers are cool and all, dawg, but you should probably take other people into consideration.

And while I got Let It Go with the better melody, I give the edge to Under the Sea in lyrics. Much more clever rhyming.

I’m still undecided on my vote.

The Circle of Life is a shit song, that is all I have to say about that. Let It Go is an absolute banger, but I’m gratified that people are at least split because Under the Sea is nearly perfect while also being musically much more interesting.

This take is bananas, that is an epic song.

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Alright maybe shit is too harsh, the beginning is iconic, but the verse-talky part is whatever and the chorus is underwhelming, and more than the other songs left, it’s the animation/story that carries the sentiment, the other compositions stand on their own more.

Check the tape!

No, the other tape!

Fine, we’ll just do it live.

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You just changed my vote.


Good jman I’ll quit while I’m ahead :grin:

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MrsWookie sneaks in with a folding at the buzzer to break the tie. Separate from our own personal thoughts on the matchup, part of the reason why we voted against our girls in the matchup was that we both thought they were voting more for the animation of Under the Sea than the song. When it comes to pure auditory stimulus, the song they sing themselves, the song they dance to the most, the song they request on Alexa, it’s always Let It Go and almost never Under the Sea. The delightful animation with such bright colors and characters that are memorable despite only a second of screen time, like the Black Fish, are a wonderful part of Under the Sea, but we’re voting on the songs here.

Circle of Life takes out Be Our Guest decisively but not without ample dissent. Our final match up is set, but we’ll also vote for 3rd/4th just because.



1 Seed: Let It Go – Frozen


7 Seed: Circle of Life - The Lion King

#1 Let It Go – Frozen vs. #7 Circle of Life - The Lion King
  • #1 Let It Go – Frozen
  • #7 Circle of Life - The Lion King
0 voters

And for 3rd place!

1 Seed: Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid


27 Seed: Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast

#1 Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid vs. #27 Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
  • #1 Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid
  • #27 Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
0 voters

So my mom decided to take all her kids to an international trip after they graduated college. Our trip was to England. Was a hell of a trip. At least two of the days we hopped on a tourist bus to see the England sites. One day was to visit an old childhood friend of hers. He had us sign a guest book for fun and the entry before ours was Priscilla Tolkien. Guy served up some shepherds pie and took us to an old old old school catholic church. Here I am front row of the church reciting a significant portion of the service in Latin. I’m not a church guy and wouldn’t do it again, but was interesting enough to do it once.

Then end of the trip was going to Lion King on The West End

Given this was basically the trip, mom spent the extra money to get me aisle seats lower level

Pretty sure this was the Rafiki I saw. Best thing I have ever seen.


I think it was always going to be these two.

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This is hard.

First one is an ode to play and joy and community.

Second includes lines about how miserable it is to be a servant with no one to serve.

And yet :thinking:

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Gonna be a lot of work to overcome the Wookie family giving four votes to the incorrect song here, but we can do it!


If we go back through the thread it does seem like Wookiee has been trying to diss Circle of Life since its first dominating victory in anticipation of this showdown with his family’s favorite


you are a thief of joy

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