Definitive All-Time Disney Original Song Bracket Battle: It's the Circle of Life

Please do!! I loved it. Put this and Jungle Book as the only two that justify their existence.

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Took my family to the live musical Lion King today. It was fantastic, and that was never in doubt. If there’s anything negative about The Lion King as a whole to be said, it’s that the showstopper, especially in the live performance more than the movie, is the opening number, and while it’s not strictly “all downhill from there,” you’re not getting back to the same heights as when a MFin elephant is walking down the aisles and the best song is being performed. And the gazelle people and the cheetah guy and who even gives a shit about the toy baby lion being held up amidst the rest of this amazing spectacle.

I also really enjoyed I Just Can’t Wait to be King much more than in the movie, as the impossible and silly animated feats of the animals in the movie were just that, silly and impossible, but in the staged show, they actually have performers doing amazing shit.

Thanks, once again, to all who participated, and I think we settled on a worthy winner.

(Funnily enough in today’s performance, Zazu busted out his own rendition of our runner up to torment Scar in the scene shortly after intermission when he was caged in Scar’s lair and the Pridelands were a wreck).

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Wait, they have an actual elephant in the show? Or did you mean a person dressed as an elephant?

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It’s, like, at least 4 people, one in each leg? And then maybe a 5th puppeteer also? But it’s a massive costume.

Frankly, I can hardly believe you haven’t seen this already. It’s right in your wheelhouse.


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Jesus Christ, out of context that is the stuff of nightmares.

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The Mummy x The Lion King crossover

Pumbaa did look like he had already been half eaten by lions, a head and front haunches attached to skeletal ribs and rear legs.

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:(. Yeah, this is all over the other discussion forums I frequent.