Flub-A-Blub-Blub, 5 Billionaires in a Sub

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Even the forgiven loan ended up underwater.



#notallbillionaires I guess.

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Read all about it in Nate’s new book… 538 Leagues Under the Sea: The Lost Signal and the Noise of Implosion.


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Cliffs: No, Celine Dion did not get to #12 (or any other number) on the Hot 100 this week.


Party pooper


Stockton Shitbox kit for your GI Joe collection: Toilet paper tube with a ping pong ball cut in half and glued to each end. Wrap in carbon fiber tape and paint white.

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I can’t get enough of this chucklehead post mortem. It’s more fascinating than the initial disappearance. wE cAn UsE aCoUsTiCs To KnOw iF tHe HuLL iS fAiLiNg.

I’m confused. Other submersibles had safely made the voyage, and OG could’ve built one with a proven design.

Was this just a grift, or did the OG just build the best that their money could buy?

I think he cut a lot of corners and built this a lot cheaper. “Innovation.”

Lmao this is so cold.

It seems like there are many more layers of this onion to peel back. I wanna know more about this whistleblower who they fired for claiming the hull was unsafe. They actually had the audacity to sue him for “sharing” their precious trade secrets with OSHA, and this was apparently settled out of court. A nice start would be if everyone involved in this thing goes to prison and that guy is awarded all of their assets.

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It sounds like this was the 14th trip to the bottom over the last 3 years so fatigue was certainly an issue. David Pouge did a story on them and didn’t get into the thing because of safety concerns. Apparently, they lot contact with it for 5 hours that trip and turned off the wifi on the chase ship to keep him from tweeting about it while it was happening.

seems like a journalist with the backing of a major network would have his own satellite hotspot

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David Pogue in New York Magazine, recounting his experience with the Titan last year. It’s very good & detailed.