GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

“I don’t know if it’s your practice to look the other way when crimes are committed” LOLOLOL

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That impassioned speech should really get Gym to reconsider a lot of his choices and will definitely move the needle!

Doesn’t he challenge people to wrestling matches when he gets tilted? I feel like that happened.

GOP finally admits that there aren’t just two genders:

Just dumb as rocks

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And if he were free, we’d be able to say Merry Christmas again without going to jail!

Gift link: Cross burning in South Carolina stirs debate over hate-crimes laws (WaPo)

What the fuck???

Last year, Richardson noted, a man was leaving “disturbing antisemitic literature” on mailboxes and in door hinges in Myrtle Beach. But state prosecutors could only charge the suspect with littering.

Swell state!

This has NEVER been a racist country though. :harold:

Extra special that this is her fucking home state

Extra extra special that they’re both veterans. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!

Watching Martha Raddatz interview Trump supporters…

“How many presidents, how many politicians, have come out on a stage and hugged the American flag? That really means something to me.”


this sounds pretty dumb but not as dumb as being the journalist in this scenario and not immediately following that up with “oh, so if Joe Brandon hugged the flag, you would consider voting for him?”

I mean where does it go from here? Flag kinks? Is there going to be a group of MAGA flag fuckers?


No, because that socialist nightmare will finally have come to an end and you can now live unrestrained by the federal government’s shackles. Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.


I say again, there is very little downside in letting Texas just fucking secede. Hell, let the entire former confederacy secede.

Except for all the decent people there

We can have open borders in the North. They can move. I’m sure plenty of Northern deplorable will buy their house.

I am willing to offer them a deal. If they let us carve Houston and Austin into Louisiana and remove all nuclear weapons from Texas, they can secede and we’ll cut them a check to seed their own Social Security fund at 50 cents on the dollar for their value if they stay.

It’s a win-win, they rid themselves of all the libs in Austin and Houston, and they get a cash payout.

We turn the electoral college in our favor and turn Louisiana deep blue.