GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Literally Nazis marching in American streets in 2024.

And some guy follows them around yelling at them and eventually starts chanting, “Fucking cowards!” at them.

Also sounds like the dude yelling at them wasn’t even born here. Sounds like a good argument for more immigration instead of less. Seems he ended up more American than many so-called “real Americans”.

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Too racist for Trump


See, system is working!

  • iron81 and MSNBC legal contributors

I’m kinda surprised his “drag out the process for years then try to get the charges thrown out due to violation of his right to a speedy trial” gambit didn’t work

Well, we don’t know yet!

Drawing extremely live to Trump Pardons (these are federal charges I assume, right?)

The “moderate” candidate:

“Embryos, to me, are babies”

And just like that she sacrificed any chance she had of winning the general election if Trump keels over and she somehow gets the nomination. Deeply unserious people every last one of them.

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yeah that’s the weird thing, her whole scheme depends on a black swan event, there’s no reason to stake out extremist positions because they aren’t going to have any effect on the primary at all.

of course, at this point if something wild happens the convention is going to be brokered and she has no shot anyway

Nah. She could definitely still win the general.

She has almost no chance at getting the nomination, but this comment doesn’t sink anything.

They’re not obviously, but the embryos kinda feel that way? At least to me. Although it’s weird to say that and also know I would have destroyed any we didn’t use at the same time.

Nah it’s standard two face bullshit. She’s fine with IVF later.

Haley can’t win a general because Trumpers will not vote for her if she somehow gets the nom, and they’re the party now.

She had a kid by IVF. Where are her other embryos ?

She needs some brood mares.

We need an amendment that says if your reasoning relies on a supernatural explanation, then the answer is FU, no.

Says artificial insemination in the article.

Well then that’s different. Hope they didn’t spill any seed. That’s billions in a tissue.

In before the first politician calls swallowing the same as genocide.

Hospital is burning to the ground and you can only save 10 embryos or 1 newborn baby, but no time to do both. What’s your move?

Yeah so anyways this is too personal for me to play this game and I find out if the last viable embryo my wife and I have worked today.

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