GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I think he rides Trumps coattails and gets elected.

I do find it fascinating how the main guy running against him in the primary was/is trying to say he’s unelectable when he’s already won a statewide election to be Lt. Gov not 4 years ago. Maybe more focus on his insanity makes it harder for him to win but it’s already something he’s done before lol.

Also the Lt Gov doesn’t really do anything. It’s an optimal way to say “fuck you” to the libs without actually putting a crazy person in charge.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? I can’t even begin to comprehend the context of how or why this question would be relevant.

I have no idea what is going on here. Unbelievable. All kinds of people that have no business being in government.

Apparently that’s stuff that happened at the FDIC, and Kennedy wants to know how the FDIC can be involved on the new banking regulations if they’re all trying to fuck each other all the time.

Here’s more context, starts around the 4 minute mark. He gives a couple examples and says, “I could go on, but I’ll get to my question,” and Brown is like “Yeah you will, you’re already over your time.”

GOP now against replacing lead pipes. Probably because most of their constituency suffers from lead poisoning.

Biden just needs to keep proposing obviously good and popular things at least once a week from now to November, just to make Republicans reflexively oppose them.

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Removing lead pipes now wouldn’t be fair to those people who already got their lead poisoning.


It’s literally the same argument as student loans and slavery

13 Republican state AGs cosigned the letter in favor of lead in drinking water. Amazing.

Let them. Fuck it.

lmao “states rights” as an argument to keep lead pipes

Dumb as rocks

From the reader added context

Lead is a potent neurotoxin, and childhood lead poisoning has an impact on many developmental and biological processes, most notably intelligence,

Of course Republicans oppose lead removal. Lead exposure > diminished intelligence > republican voter is a huge boon for them.

“I love the poorly educated”

And no, this isn’t shorthand for some nuanced policy - Louisiana is literally and entirely dispensing with the idea of parole for prisoners

This turned out to be a pretty solid example of getting ratioed. Surprised he didn’t just quietly delete this.