GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I guess my point isn’t so much that I trust airlines to do security. It’s more I don’t think we need the security in the first place.


Some of you guys need to get tsa precheck. Fuck standing in line like a peasant.

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I have TSA pre check. TSA still sucks.

We have more guns than people in this country. You really want to be on flights where 20 or 30 people are packing?

Hot take, TSA is one of the most efficient and well run government agencies. Literally the job they do is incredible and with basically zero cost borne by the end consumer. There’s a reason the Republicans are targeting it, and it has nothing to do with making your air travel experience better.

Today at LGA the precheck + clear line was by far the longest. I had to jailbreak to the regular line to make my flight.

No more than I want to be on a bus, or a subway, a bowling alley, movie theatre, or concert where 20-30 people are armed. But that’s just the country I live in.

If somebody with bad intentions opens fire at your concert or bowling alley, you’ve still got a very good chance of surviving. On a plane, not so much.

In fact, I’d be much more worried about explosives then guns. The shoe bomber almost succeeded and that was a couple of months after 9/11.

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I’m a little drunk (on vacation don’t judge me), but are we really defending the existence of TSA in this thread?


I think there are two different issues that get sort of smeared together, 1) some people think the function is necessary but the agency performing it is broken beyond repair and/or that government performing this function is inherently a failure, and 2) the function itself is unnecessary

I haven’t really followed this discussion but some of each group are probably dragging the other group

Except for the rash of hijackings and lack of realization that a hijacked plane is really a giant cruise missile. Is there any industry that is successful at self regulation? Is there their any industry less likely to screw up self regulation than the current airline industry?

There is the scorching hot take!

The bag isn’t the issue. Flying spirit is the issue

Nancy Mace sure is bad at this for someone on TV all the time

What do you think TSAs job is? And by what metrics would you judge their success? Would guarantee they crush any metric that you would judge the success of a government agency by.

I will admit I never flew in the pre-TSA world. But my experience with TSA even at the craziest of airports like LAX has always been smooth. I’ve had longer waits going through security at sporting events and concerts.

I suppose we don’t need TSA per se. Definitely don’t let any random without a boarding pass through security though.

I don’t know, she seems to be crushing the “blatantly lie without flinching” required to be part of GOP leadership.

In my experience the job seems to be “make sure no one brings a bag full of gummy snacks through security without searching the bag” and “gee that candle and lightning cable sure look bomb-like, better check the bag”.

whenever a GOP pol tries that “I didn’t see that tweet” or “I don’t know anything about that” dumbass routine, a REAL journalist would immediately hammer them with the Dan Hawkins ITS DIVISION ONE FOOTBALL!!! ITS THE BIG TWELVE!!! routine. YOU ARE A US CONGRESSMAN, BEING AWARE OF THINGS IS LITERALLY THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL LOWEST OF LOW EXPECTATIONS HOW CAN YOU REPRESENT YOUR CONSTITUENTS IF YOU HAVE YOUR HEAD UP YOUR ASS 24/7??? GO PLAY INTRAMURALS BROTHER


for those who aren’t familiar with this rant


So this Nazi cartoonist got doxxed and it turns out he’s a weird creep and his dick doesn’t work right. Also, he might be Hispanic?