GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Yeah the majority of the red areas are either:

  • Black people
  • Indigenous people
  • Appalachia

Pretty sad, really.

White people are a majority in a lot of those red counties in the South, but yeah, it’s because the Black life expectancy is way shorter than the white life expectancy in those regions.

That’s a feature, not a bug.

Yes, as stated.

Apparently mtg might go after the speaker today?


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Been driving around couple those red counties today and my favorite sighting was a handmade plywood sign nailed to a tree in literal middle of nowhere with “Get US out of UN Trump” spray painted on it

She did, but appears she did it in such a way that it won’t actually happen.

Greene, R-Ga., did not file the motion as privileged — which would force a vote within two legislative days — but instead as regular motion, which could be referred to committee where it would likely languish.

It’s a warning shot, she wants them to start lining up the next Speaker so they can oust him when they want to.


“If we vacated this speaker, we’d end up with a Democrat,” Gaetz told reporters. “When I vacated the last one, I made a promise to the country that we would not end up with the Democrat speaker. And I was right. I couldn’t make that promise again.”

Asked how that could happen, Gaetz said, “We’d have Republicans cross over. I worry that we’ve got Republicans who would vote for Hakeem Jeffries at this point. I really do. I take no joy in saying that. But you can only vacate the speaker if you know that the party leadership won’t change hands. I knew that with certainty last time. I don’t know it with certainty this time.”

If they ousted Johnson, I doubt they would be able to seat a Republican speaker before the election.

Isn’t their majority also smaller than when McCarthy was ousted due to resignations?

yes, it’s like half

Lol, MTG, DO IT!!

They’re down to a 2 seat majority with Chip Roy’s resignation

About that:


2 seat majority doesn’t actually mean that they have 2 more right? Like, if one other congressperson died or resigned that would’nt put the parties to even, right?

Now some Wisconsin guy is retiring to time it so it stays open until the November election???

I gotta say prior to this year I thought the GOP politicians were all entirely shameless. Apparently not entirely.

Ken Buck?