GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

The podcast also said that Johnson had been historically opposed to funding Ukraine but since he became Speaker he has been receiving more classified briefings and is now more likely to support Ukraine based on the information he received there.

If this were to happen, we could count it as the one time a conservative changed their mind after being informed.

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yes. he moans and bellyaches but he’s never really crossed them that I can tell and he’s probably not going to even bellyache about them any more

fellas is it woke to exercise?

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I’m not sure I could strictly define “woke”, but I thought I at least had a clue what it meant.

Gone woke with… a baseball stretch?

Maybe it’s the pink.

They’re reading “Be the Y” as “be they” and interpreting that as a statement about gender pronouns. I’m not kidding.


Never would have expected that from the YMCA. Before today, famously known as a fun place for hetero cis males to stay.


Just learned today about the history of maneuvers cities used to avoid integrating swimming pools in the mid 20th century due to state or federal laws (culminating with civil rights act).

Most common was closing public pools or opening very substandard pools in black neighborhoods.

Then a lot of the clubs became private clubs, including the Y in some cases. Guess who couldn’t join the club.

And get this, the Supreme Court ruled in 71 that it was ok to close all public facilities since it was negative for everyone, not any one group.

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Im pretty sure it’s being read as “Be They” instead of “Be The Y.”

I honestly read it as Be They right off the bat and figured it was a decent candidate for /r/dontdeadopeninside

Always worth reposting this:

5-4 had an episode on this: Five Four Pod | Palmer v. Thompson

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There’s a fresh one featuring who else but LibsOfTikTok

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They all know what it means to them, they don’t know how to explain what it means to them without sounding extremely racist/sexist, because they are.


I had a long thing typed out or some of it typed out but then I thought this is stupid, I’m stupid, I deleted it all because the only thing to say is these people are fucking stupid.

I mean for that person to not be ready for that question… on a campus…

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Why can’t we have nice things?

Also what does that make the house while is out?

I have so many positive memories from college of right wing youngsters (I was in my late 20’s) saying their usual boilerplate bullshit from and expecting it to be this unhittable logic missile… and me crushing it like it was on a tee.

Yes intellectually bullying libertarians until they all avoided me was my favorite college hobby and yes I am a lot of fun at parties why do you ask?

These people are in a cult, which means they are actively discouraged from actually ever hearing or processing the actual counter arguments to the bullshit they are trying desperately to believe in. One of the ways this manifests itself is that they are shocked when the other side doesn’t just melt like a slug under half a pound of salt when they deliver their ‘truth bombs’ lol.

I’m sorry but if your plan is to intentionally start a debate with me (libertarians as a group love to pick a fight in the era before they realize they won’t win) without any real comprehension of the topic you’re going to be debating equipped with nothing but ‘there’s a snake in my boot’ level slogans… Good luck buddy it’s going to be a wild/short ride.

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There has to be at least a 20% chance that this is code for “abortion that she doesn’t want anyone to know about”.


I guess that guy got to give her some some Beetlejuice after they got kicked out of the show…

lol, of course Liberty University does classic White People Taco night.

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Heather McGhee wrote about this in her book, The Sum of Us.

Here’s an interview she did with Vox:

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