GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Think the catch with this is you pretty much have to be pushing something unethical to make the cash.

Potentially something from someone with a programming background about social media / big tech ruining children could work and not be unethical. But even then would probably have to venture off into conservative crazy land to really catch on.

Yeah that’s the problem, although something about like social media/big tech/big pharma/big food that’s not actually false could work and not be unethical. Screens are awful for people, especially kids. So are social media algos. So are a lot of additives to food. Some stuff is best treated naturally, or at least ruling out natural/lifestyle changes before going to the heavy hitter drugs. But good luck hearing that in USA#1.

Problem is a serious lack of volume, at least relative to the anti-vaxx shit.

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at some point more money does absolutely nothing for me so there is no price i would put on my integrity

Let’s do it and give half the money to planned parenthood or whatever. These idiots are already all the way gone I feel zero guilt grifting them.


Sign me up for the grifting group

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I’m in for the grift too. I have very basic photoshop skills, can edit/proof read relatively well, and will figure out some other way to make myself useful.

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When your mission statement is “Let’s cash in on grifting dumb people” I think ethical is out the window…

Can we create a fake person using AI and then have chat gpt write all the articles for the fake person substack?

you morally bankrupt manatees!

donating proceeds is an interesting concept.


Antivaxx stuff is truly dangerous so maybe focus on nonsensical qanon conspiracies that people will still go nuts for but less likely to be fatal.

Like I heard about this study they PROVES the demoncrats are 37 times more likely to be pedophiles!

Having chatGPT do most of the work would be elite.

What would be truly elite is if we find a way to build a conspiracy theory that initially feeds their lizard brain, and then once they’re hooked we slowly lead them towards turning on republicans.


People in general just hate uncertainty and want to pretend that Everything is Knowable.

But only sometimes.

Look at the difference between when Nate Silver says a political outcome is 51% to occur and it doesn’t vs when he says a sporting outcome is 98% to occur and it doesn’t.

I think trojan horsing our way into getting them to want universal healthcare could be a good approach.

Start with something like
“Doctors don’t want you to know THIS ONE BIG SECRET!!!”


Instead of a substack, which will take on-going work, hiw about a collectable card game? You can play as Patriot/Hero, or lily-livered lib, or Fake News, or Deep State or apathetic voter? Just spit-balling.

I feel like the Drag Queen Story Hour probably isn’t making a very large amount of money, if that’s the issue.

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Our pony too slow. Heard radio ad to call this lawbro if knew any teens who developed suicidal thoughts or eating disorders after looking at instagram

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can we talk about this fashion nightmare what the actual fuck