GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Craziest thing is this isn’t an exaggeration. Kyle Rittenhouse now has a brighter political future than Kristi Noem


how has this tweet been up for three days

kristi noem on face the nation or whatever this morning, oh my god what a fucking train wreck

Why is anyone even bothering to give her a platform, rather than the obvious move of laughing at what an idiot she is.

apparently they were hoping to get her to produce even more material to laugh at, and she delivered

Well you gotta hand it to her, nobody is talking about her killing the dog anymore

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0 tears for this person. She made her bed. Doubt that she connects her situation to those of people without the choices she had.

One of the things we don’t talk enough about is that traditional “housewives” in the 50s were pretty much all legitimately depressed. Shocking that women trying to return to those roles would find the same thing.

My favorite thing about the term ‘tradwife’ is that it comes from the BDSM community in the 2010’s. Literally a bunch of people playing out this weird right wing version of a 1950’s lifestyle kink… and trying to represent it as what every woman wants/needs instead of something pretty extreme for the kink community.

It definitely doesn’t help that the men of these ‘tradwives’ are astoundingly selfish/abusive… but honestly 99% of the problem here is that nothing about this ‘lifestyle’ is designed to work in real life because the purpose it was designed for was to facilitate spicy sex among consenting adults for whom the impracticality was part of the appeal… who probably weren’t actually living that way anything close to 24/7.

The internet incentivized this silliness for the rage/porn engagement and now it’s tearing it down for the LOL engagement. Such is the internet.

This was one of the things Mad Men really nailed.

I think having one parent stay home can be healthy and make both people happy but only if the working parent completely internalizes that it can’t create a power imbalance or entitlement from the working spouse.

The ‘not working’ spouse has to be really working as well. A lot of the divorces the people I’m acquainted with have had over the last 5-10 years stemmed from one of the people in the relationship getting the other person ‘trapped’ (they were wrong about that hence the divorce) and immediately ceasing the majority of the effort they were putting into the relationship/life itself and just going full mooch on the other person.

I’ve definitely seen this from both genders usually after either getting married or having a kid (that’s the trap moment they generally were faking a whole personality to get to). The men usually do it after a baby and the women generally do it after getting married. Both versions I tend to judge people pretty harshly for. I just don’t give people the benefit of the doubt about it anymore after having one too many conversations where people openly admitted to essentially committing fraud against their partner.

And yes I think putting on an act that is massively different than what you actually plan to deliver once you get whatever it is you want and the other person is committed and has high quitting costs is fraud. Just marry someone who is willing to tolerate you in your normal state ffs. That’s not settling that’s not ruining multiple people’s lives so you can scam someone else into settling. The secret to a happy marriage is realistic expectations. It almost doesn’t matter what those expectations are, just that they aren’t constantly proven wrong and generating resentment.


Meanwhile, in Washington, a right-winger recruits stooges with the same name as the Democratic candidate for governor to create confusion and (I guess) give the Republican candidate a better chance (they have none).

Three Bob Night: Two more Bob Fergusons running for WA governor

Non-paywall link

OLYMPIA — Bob Ferguson could face Bob Ferguson and Bob Ferguson in the August primary.

That’s Bob Ferguson, the state attorney general; Bob Ferguson, a retired state employee in Yakima; and Bob Ferguson, a military veteran in Graham.

All three are running for Washington governor.

Conservative activist Glen Morgan recruited two people who share a name with the Democratic front-runner for governor to also seek the state’s highest office. They officially filed to run Friday, at the close of Washington’s candidate filing week.

“If I had started a little bit earlier, I would have been able to have six Bob Fergusons,” Morgan said. “I contacted about 12. I just ran out of time.”


State statutes say that it is a felony for a person to file a declaration of candidacy with a “surname similar to one who has already filed for the same office, and whose political reputation is widely known, with intent to confuse and mislead the electors by capitalizing on the public reputation of the candidate who had previously filed.”


Literally was thinking the whole time reading that, didn’t some people get got in FL for pulling this exact stunt?

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Although, legitimate question, how are people going to know which Bob Ferguson to vote for in a primary? How are the three of them delineated?

lol, nevermind i guess I should have read the actual article.

The funny ironic backfire here would be Two Bob Fergusons ending up on the general election ballot with no real republican because of the state’s jungle primary.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Noem’s face up close like that. Looks like she has a pound of make up on at least.

OG Bob sent cease and desist letters, other two Bob’s dropped out of the race today.


Did the mastermind behind all this get a KITN?


Two button meme, button labels:

Rage at Johnson for “wasting tax money”
Slurp Johnson for supporting Daddy Trump