GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

It really is genuinely shocking, at least to me, even given how awful Abbott is. I wonder if the Feds are thinking about bringing any hate crime or weapons charges. Might be a useless endeavor given how bad the Texas district courts and fifth circuit are.

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Does @Jman220 or anyone else know when the feds can bring charges? Like, I remember Dylann Roof got rung up on federal charges (for hate crimes but also some plain murder charges) even though he was a South Carolina resident who committed his crimes in South Carolina; do feds just usually not opt to prosecute state crimes that they would also have federal jurisdiction over? Or are there special circumstances required for feds to have jurisdiction?

If federal charges were possible I’m sure the Biden admin wouldn’t bring them unless they win in November first :harold:

Kyle didn’t get fed charges, correct? Maybe this is different since a jury found this guy guilty but Kyle was acquitted?

If they can show the murder was racially motivated (sounds like they probably can), they can bring federal charges. I was wondering if they might do so as well.

A state acquittal does not foreclose a federal charge, however the feds also don’t want to bring charges they can’t win, and if the state couldn’t convict Rittenhouse the feds may have felt they would have trouble convicting as well.

Is that a requirement? I’d guess it’s trickier when it’s a white dude killing a white dude even if the context of it being a BLM protest provides a racial angle.

Like, Wikipedia says Dylann Roof was (among his many counts) convicted of “Use of a firearm during a crime of violence resulting in death (18 U.S.C. § 924) (9 counts)”, are there extra requirements for someone to get federally charged with that or could the feds, if they wanted, prosecute every (shooting) murder in the country under that law?

Regular murder isn’t a federal crime. You need something else that makes it run afoul of federal statutes. Racially motivated is one way to get there.

She has an Australian accent right? Am I the only one hearing this?

WAT? Not even close.

No, I don’t think so…

Double jeopardy?

Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans

“Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said.


But even if the legislation can get past a committee vote, it could still run into some resistance from other Republicans in the House. One of them is Rep. Hardy Billington, a Poplar Bluff Republican. Billington, in an interview with The Star, claimed that the legislation could cause pregnant teenagers to have abortions when they can’t get married — even though abortion is already almost entirely banned in Missouri. “My opinion is that if someone (wants to) get married at 17, and they’re going to have a baby and they cannot get married, then…chances of abortion are extremely high,” he said.


I read this as 100% confirmation.

A state conviction does not trigger jeopardy for a federal case. It’s how they got all those southern racist murderers decades later using civil rights prosecutions.


I knew there was a right wing nutjob fixation on the darien gap but hoo boy the new episode of On the Media dives into this shit and wow

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