GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

From the replies:



So it’s weird that Trump appears to believe that Silence of the Lambs was a real story and the media isn’t giving that wall to wall coverage.

His ear seems to be healing very rapidly…

Like if he thinks it’s real, he’s calling a serial killing cannibal a great man. If he thinks it’s fake, he is saying Anthony Hopkins is dead when he’s not and making zero sense anyway.

A true, “Imagine if (literally any Dem) did it,” situation.

I still can’t believe that theres a very real chance he think “insane asylum” and migrants seeking “asylum” are connected words. It makes his rambling make so much more sense.


yeah this theory just connects the dots, it’s too good not to be true


It’s just like the theory that he thinks “well done” steak means “expertly done” and is like duh why would anyone want it any other way?

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If literally any other major presidential candidate in my lifetime believed Hannibal Lecter was a real person, it would be the #1 story for weeks, with Trump it’s just yeah, whatever.

The great thing about dropping Biden is the Dems can now go after Trump’s mental fitness.

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I thought this when I was 5 years old and my dad straightened me out quickly the first time I ordered a well done steak.

The weirdos are turning on each other. popcorn.gif

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These people are so. fucking. weird. Politics isn’t even about big gov’t vs small gov’t, conservative vs. liberal values, etc. etc., It’s just… people who behave normally in public and… whatever this is:

I assume this is referring to transitioning- blockers and surgery?

Sounds like Lindsey Bluth at a HOOP fundraiser

I think so, but that’s kind of the point. These people are in such a rabbit hole of weird conspiracy fantasy garbage that it’s hard to figure wtf they’re babbling about half the time.

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Same dude is a wondering why (white) Americans don’t have more babies

I thought this must be fake so I checked and those are real t-shirts you can actually buy. I don’t even know where to start. “liberal tears” would have made some sense at least.