GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I want to believe that this shirt was created by someone liberal just to prove RWNJs will buy literally anything if you can make them think it’s making fun of liberals.

Yeah… not to kink shame but that seems like a sex thing.


Turning on AM radio and they’re like “well, they say we’re WEIRD, but listen to these clips of Joe Biden,” followed by the usual anti-trans blather. These guys are cooked, they’ve got no answer to the weridness charges.

No new info here but that we have video notes of a criminal fucking conspiracy, smdh.

They can be used at his 1/6 tri…

Never mind.

Official act! Official act!


Seems like just a matter of time until they all turn against Christianity, right?


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I’m no Christian scholar but I feel like “there’s no forgiveness“ does not really capture the essence of the faith.

What’s the alternative to “always taking the side of the victim”?

It would at least make some sense if he was talking about a victim mentality or whatever but this is some nonsense.



lol they’ve lost Rittenhouse. WTF is going on with the GOP?

Ron Paul what fucking year is it

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He will be 89 in a couple weeks.

This timeline sucks soooooo much. Gravity gets turned back on and we’re all like ‘this is unbelievable’.

If you had told me about any of this shit in 2014 I would have told you that you shouldn’t give up your day job because you were an unbelievably bad writer. And that wouldn’t be unconstructive criticism the problem is actually that the world you’ve built has no believability. It’s like if some dipshit with a cool summer day in Texas IQ (95 let’s call it)'s ‘what if’ scenario was made into a timeline.

It turns out the worst and most insidious thing about ‘what if Donald Trump was President of the United States’ is all the stuff that has to happen in the background to make it possible. Now we’re watching his carriage turn back into a pumpkin in real time and we can’t believe that could happen even though the pumpkin turning into a carriage was way less probable.

I’m sorry but this dude eventually overdoing it and losing too much of his audience to not get electorally curb stomped isn’t some far fetched scenario. The far fetched part is how long it took. This whole situation is way way way out on the long tail of the probability distribution.

Without a doubt the weirdest and scariest fish on a heater story of my lifetime. There will be other massive fish on massive heaters (elon jesus christ elon) but Trump is probably the largest fish on the biggest heater.

cliffs on rittenhouse’s issue??? no way I’m going to actually watch his “official statement”

“If you can’t be completely uncompromisable on the 2nd amendment, I will not vote for you, and I’ll write someone else in.”



Rittenhouse is such a dumbass

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