GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I’ll grant all of these as possible to likely. The rest aren’t happening. Biden won MD/MA/VT by over 30 points. I don’t care if they have or recently had Republican governors in the past.

I do agree about not seeing a path forward for him to get the nomination.

oh no, they got Guy Fieri

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That’s bad news for the Democrats chances in the next election. As Guy Fieri goes, so goes Flavortown.


What the hell

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Was that mostly party line?

How does the states state legislature vote split compare to actual representation.

Looks like the US senate seat was 55/42

Star legislature are super majorities. Scrolling thru several seats had only an R candidate. A handful at most competitive.

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That’s a great question and one would expect KC to have quite a lot of the population of Missouri and therefore have a lot of D state reps.


I get it, I want to dunk on Mayo Pete too, but come on, deplorables.

Florida is actively trying to create a brain-drain situation within its borders and turn itself into Alabama or some shit:

House Bill 999, filed by Rep. Alex Andrade, R-Pensacola, proposes leaving all faculty hiring to boards of trustees, allowing a faculty member’s tenure to be reviewed “at any time,” and removing majors or minors in subjects like critical race theory and gender studies. It would also prohibit spending on activities that promote diversity, equity and inclusion and create new general education requirements.

General education courses, the bill says, “may not suppress or distort significant historical events or include a curriculum that teaches identity politics, such as Critical Race Theory, or defines American history as contrary to the creation of a new nation based on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence.” It spells out communications, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and math courses that may count as general education credits.

lmao at the American history thing, like are you even allowed to say slavery existed? It wasn’t very “all men are created equal” after all!

I went to law school with Andrade. Didn’t know him well, but just remember thinking he was a scumbag. Douchey white guy without an ounce of self-reflection and an overinflated ego.

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He also wants to cut defamation laws in Florida: Rep. Alex Andrade files bill to ease litigation process against Florida's news outlets | WEAR

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This seems really bad:

Like really bad.

I mean, for florida and likely other red states to follow in their footsteps - people will inevitably just stop going to school at these places lol

Yeah I mean Florida is going full fascist, and the next POTUS is very likely to try to take these policies federal… Both these education policies, and the “you can’t call a b***t a bigot” bill.

Disclaimer: to anyone reading this in Florida after the passing of HB991, this post was not calling anyone a bigot. To my knowledge, zero people residing in Florida or who have ever been in Florida are bigots.

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there is zero and I mean literal zero chance of florida education policies going nationwide

Do you put it past the current House GOP? A President DeSantis? Or are you just trusting the Senate?

Probably a dog to pass a 52-48 GOP senate, but if they run up a bigger margin, who knows?

dude in CA you can barely fire a teacher that’s caught diddling kids lol there would have to be so many things changing at a huge nationwide level for this to take any real effect, plus the fact that there would be mass walkouts and striking by extremely extremely powerful unions with a shitload of money and political clout

zero chance

plus the fact education (especially higher) is nearly entirely funded by states themselves so even if they passed some broad education mandate into law the states can be like “lol fuck you” and what is the federal govt gonna do? cut nonexistent funding?

They don’t have to fire teachers, they just have to cut federal funding and federal financial aid to schools teaching stuff they don’t like. That’s around 8.5% of public school funding K-12 according to Google, and without looking the financial support for college has to be HUGE upward support on tuitions.