GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Go poll the general public. Once you eliminate the 90% who have no clue who the guy is, probably 75% of the remaining respondents will be like, “Nazi? Are you kidding me? That dude was in the Trump administration, get real! Fucking Nazi? These political insults are getting crazier!”

I’ve seen more people at late afternoon presentations by grad students at a scientific conference.

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I had a bigger audience at a grad student seminar I had to give.

Government regulations bad (except for the ones that protect our donors)

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Opponents said it would betray conservative principles

confirmed, no idea who that is

They got nothing on Wyoming.

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The funny thing is this is all about protectionist policies for rent-seeking car dealerships. They drive up prices about 9%, and for what? So we can haggle with an asshole salesman? So they can “protect” us by selling us a warranty that makes them even more money?

But the owners of the dealerships line the pockets of local politicians, so they get protectionist laws, and now Tesla and others are trying to skirt them and the local politicians like their donations.

Just typical corruption, no more, no less.

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So fucking disgusting. Absolutely enraging.

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He is really one the biggest pieces of shit of all time. Can’t believe he only 53 so he is going to be doing this forever

he’s just saying what people usually keep to themselves

He’s not wrong

holy shit has he been on TV since he was like 17?

I know you’re probably making a joke but that segment is laden with about every trope and stereotype of mental illness there is. it’s kind of impressive how many he managed to fit into such a small clip. my favorite part is when he equates being mentally ill with being incompetent.

As someone who’s been mocked, belittled, shamed, and bullied for a decade+ for having issues with depression, I can say that not a single word of that was shocking and is actually how most people think (including some in this community!)

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lincoln was very seriously clinically depressed most of his life. his colleagues often feared he’d kill himself. yet, I think most would agree he was one of the greatest leaders of the modern era.

The trick is not to watch. My post wasn’t a joke. When a country elects a malignant narcissist it’s in trouble.

People in this community bullied you over depression?

The fact you are equating a malignant hypernarcissist to clinical depression is a very insulting thing to anyone suffering from that and why this bit is so ridiculous - Just voicing that

My read of hired_goons post was that Carlsons quote of “A society that elevates people who are mentally ill is doomed” is not wrong, see Exhibit A Donald Trump. Not at all equating the context of what carlson was saying about Fettermans depression with Trumps narcissism, but rather reacting to the quote alone and not the meat of the story. I agree equating them could be problematic and insulting, but I don’t think that was his intent. Appreciate your insight and bringing awareness to the problem though as it is a valid point.