GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Also this blew up a bit, a “can you define woke” question destroyed this lady and left her stammering, literally saying out loud “this is gonna be one of those clips that goes viral” during her thought process

Then she tried to play it off by blaming her interviewers

Not happy about Bri-Bri getting a scalp, I must say.


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this seems a bit too simplistic (again, I’m not really sure what tweets you might be referring to that aren’t in this thread), back at the beginning there was

A) no evidence to support a lab leak
B) a lot of racists jumping on the lab leak train
C) not a lot of evidence excluding a lab leak

given the fact that most media incentives are driving simplistic coverage, it’s pretty easy for the general public to be unable to differentiate between “these racists are pushing a theory with no evidence” and “this theory is racist even though we don’t have any proof that it’s wrong”.

it’s not alex jones conspiracy nonsense to point out that people THINK “the media is trying hard to suppress discussion” even if that’s not what is actually occuring. And again, the tweets in this thread seem to be much more along the lines of “the public thinks the media was suppressing discussion” than “the media was suppressing discussion”

I love the “I was SHOOK by Gray saying mean things” even though if you watch the entire clip she was perfectly coherent (spewing the usual bile) right up to the point where she was asked to define “woke”

“I wrote a whole book on why woke bad but I can’t reel off a snappy soundbite of what it is because uppity black lady was nasty”

jlaw ok

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meh I’m not going to bat for nate, if you say he’s been in alex jones territory in his overall body of work, fine, I believe you

I don’t think I’m taking things too far here: Nate is pretty clearly suggesting that the media is suppressing the lab leak story. That seems squarely like Alex Jones stuff to me.

I think it’s fine and well for Sean Hannity to say stuff like that but if Nate’s going to be a serious adult journalist, I gotta see some evidence. ESP when it sure seems like, if anything, the media is hyping the lab leak story rather than suppressing it.

Lol the Nate Silver thing is kinda hilarious. Like the only reason anyone heard of him is because he applied data instead of instincts to sports and then to politics and now that people heard of him it’s all about instincts/common sense/whatever lol

Which Nate Silver take was worse

  • Lab Leak
  • Brazil 2014 World Cup

0 voters

I don’t know enough about soccer to know if 2014 WC is being results-oriented or if it was also hilarious before the 7-1 to everyone who knew better. Need help on this one.

It’s both. We were definitely all ripping into Nate the entire time, and 7-1 was just the cherry on top.


Never forget :leolol:

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Large amounts of media have been pushing a lab leak theory with essentially no evidence from the beginning.

“Everyone around you is not going to be able to be themselves…going to have to walk on eggshells”

Says the “lets erradicate whole groups of people and make other groups of people illegal to exist” side of the aisle. Fuck allllllllll the way off.

It’s lab leak and it’s not even close. Weird shit like 7-1 happens with sports all the time. This one just happened to be very high profile.

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lab leak ainec. brazil were favs that tournament iirc, or at least second fav

Warning: don’t click unless you want to be enraged

I just don’t get it. CPS does fuck all in my experience with the exception of the most heinous of cases ime.

Hmm- who to believe:

The scientists who openly declare their conflicts and provide evidence


Politics agents who hide their agendas and provide speculation