GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

The Texas GOP just put a no fault divorce plank in their platform. Let’s see if that makes suburban white women in Williamson county like my wife more or less pissed off at the GOP.

Yup the article starts off with him as an example, and apparently it’s now in the Texas GOP party platform.

I guess you can’t do much about school boards in kooky red states like New Jersey.

If you wanted to gauge the interest in ending no-fault divorce, you might look at the 3 states that have a “covenant marriage” option and see how many people are choosing it.

This is where you agree up front that you’ll jump through a bunch of extra hoops before divorcing.

Answer: not very many! Less than 1%

And that’s not even a random sample, it’s 2 deep red states (AR, LA) and one purplish state (AZ).



This could actually impact the debt ceiling. If Dems can get the clean increase to the floor through the discharge petition, they need five GOP votes. If they can get four, Biden should say fuck it and pardon him for a clean debt ceiling increase.

lol remember this guy?

Gotta respect the hustle

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Nothing will happen to George Santos.

This only applies to Trump. Santos is getting got.

Matt Gaetz says hi.

Also Ken Paxton has been under indictment for what? 8 years now?

These people are above the law.

Al Franken trending on Twitter as a result of the GOP letting Santos keep his seat.

cmon. Santos is a nobody. He’s going to jail for x months, and then losing his seat, and he’ll be a punchline for 10 years until he dies in a domestic.

I agree with the characterization of America !

This is what people said about Matt Gaetz.

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What, who? His seat is safe red, “Santos” absolutely not.

Matt Gaetz was never actually indicted, right?

correct. matt “she told me she was 16” gaetz was never indicted

Literally trafficked 16 year olds across state lines, paid them for sex and did coke with them, zero consequences