GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Spy probably not… but assets of intelligence agencies are frequently hot fucking messes that get used.


I mean, it worked for Trump.


Linked article is in Portuguese but the automated translation is :vince3:




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How do you conduct NO oppo for a congressional race?

We paid a dude $10k and got a 40-page oppo book on our boring state senate candidate.

Absolute negligence on the part of every consultant and manager who worked on that campaign. I need to look up the name of the consultant firms they used so I will know to never ever hire them for anything…


At this point, are we even sure he’s a US citizen?

Sounds like he got his citizenship possibly through a sham marriage.

I think he claims he was born here to Brazilian immigrant parents, but at this point anything he says about himself is more likely to be false than true

Supposedly the Dem incumbent did do the oppo research but then handed it off to local media hoping they’d out Santos on everything instead of just running with it themselves.

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Amazing to somehow miss the memo that Sinclair and Gannett own 100% of local media now

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Then it’s still a campaign team and PROBABLY a consultant issue, because that means they had no viable comms or digital strategy (both of which are usually outsourced).

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Nah, Long Island Newsday is one of the few local papers left that I think is not owned by either. Theyr’e usually not terrible either, it’s shocking that this was missed. I don’t buy that hte dems picked it up and did nothing with it.

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This surprises me as well, and i have read the opposite, that the democrat campaign knew of at least some of Santos’ background bullshit and tried to make it public, yet no reporter or voter seemed to care.

i guess most of what they knew was shit like “never graduated” or “goldman sachs wouldn’t confirm employment”. less of a criminal story than resume padding the voters assume just happens with people running for office.

Possibly. I can see the Brazilian stuff falling through a normal-level oppo search, but come on.

When it comes to comms, one of my big regrets from 2022 was not pushing our consultant harder on our comms strat (or lack thereof). Being told “no one will care” if you send out a press release is bullshit.

They might not care the first time you send it. Or even the second or third. But if you send out PRs every fucking day to every newsdesk, paper, podcast, outlet, influencer, etc that you can find, the story, especially one like that, WILL get out. If anything they’ll run it to just shut you up.

Trouble is, this strategy is NOT the standard for campaign comms, because like everything else in the campaign consultancy sphere, they are operating in a 2012 mindset… The standard is sending out a PR once in a while for big things, maybe writing an op-ed or two, and then just paying for ads.

I don’t know that you’ll annoy them into running it to shut you up, but it’ll be top of mind when they have a slow news day and need to fill airtime or column inches. And they can’t pull an old story to do that, so giving them fresh stuff all the time is the correct play. You should definitely push for that in any future campaigns, you’re right imo.

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I truly can’t keep up.

can we do an easy prop bet, who lasts longer?

santos as house member, or mccarthy as house speaker?

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Guys, we finally know how to fix the budget situation:

The wokeism budget, it’s huge, many people are saying we’re spending more money on wokeism than we are on heating our homes.