GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Dude is just a full-on sociopath. He’s got no path to victory other than saying the most deranged shit he can think of and hoping Trump strokes out.

Holy shit, I read that headline and legitimately just assumed it was an Onion Article.

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The Desantis implosion has been one of the more satisfying things to watch in recent memory.


On paper, the man was an ideal candidate. DeSantis just fucked it up through the power of total unlikeability. And also starting a fight with Disney.

I’m sure this will save the DeSantis campaign:

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“come here, big tits”

Certified conspiracy-soaked weirdo holding court at a poker table. It started when he saw another player with a “FJB” cap on. They bonded over some standard pro-Trump talking points which gave him the green light to share a full hour’s worth of what’s really going on in the world. I don’t mean to suggest that he ran out of gas after an hour; he was still going strong, I just couldn’t take it any more.

Honestly amazingly entertaining. Really highlights the danger of getting all your info from Q-adjacent youtubes and social media for the past 5 years. Some highlights, just off the top of my head and in no particular order:

  • Ross Perot controlled the '92 election, he exposed NAFTA to help Clinton (wat?)
  • GWB became governor of Texas (not Maine) as part of a Perot plan to install him into the presidency in 2000.
  • GHWB was the biggest drug dealer of all time, worth trillions when he died, owned half of Venezuela (wat?)
  • Something about white envelopes passed out to all the wives at GHWB’s funeral. Laura Bush loses her mind and Jeb sees it and gets all freaked out. Check the video!
  • There are no pictures of Michelle (Michael?) Obama when pregnant.
  • Jeffrey Epstein probably not dead. Bill Clinton was his best friend and client. Jeb was in control of Florida and facilitating Epstein’s operation.
  • Banks control everything, real power is held by people who operate in the shadows.
  • RFJ Jr. is the candidate making the most sense right now.
  • Dominion and Smartmatic are both owned by Diebold, which is controlled by George Soros.
  • There’s an airtight plan to move voter registration and voting to the blockchain but it’s blocked by democrats because it makes so much sense and would ruin all their cheating.
  • His father-in-law checked his voting record, it says his 2020 in-person vote was rejected since he had already submitted a mail-in ballot. 5 other people say the same thing. And if you post anything about this on social media, it gets instantly deleted.
  • Kamala is corrupt and stupid and does whatever she’s paid to do. Jussie Smollett has some connection to “Aunt Kamala” and right after his “attack” there was some anti-lynching bill she tried to pass but there was a bunch of transgender and pedophilia stuff in it because they want to make pedophilia a sexual orientation so it’s protected and legalized.

I wish I had recorded this part, but that would be of questionable legality so please rely on my near-perfect memory:

Do you know what George magazine is? It was John John’s magazine that he had. If you go back to then, try and find the edition from February 1997…it’s crazy, my wife, I asked her to find it for me…two weeks go by, she comes back, and goes “alright, we need to have a talk”. She goes, “what’s up with this fucking thing?” and I said to her “what do you mean?” and she goes “well, I found one for sale on amazon for $25,000. And I bid on some beat up ones on eBay for 5, 6, 7, $800 and they go for $500,000 more than that.” And she was like, “I tried to order it from the Library of Congress, cause you can get anything. And they’ll give it to you, but it’s redacted, everything’s redacted.” And I was like, “well, then don’t give them your ID. Don’t put yourself on their radar!”

So I had seen the inside of it before, there’s a couple of people who have videos of it. It goes off on talking about a “lung disease” in 2020, there’s an interview with Bill Gates where he talks about 9/11. He says people’s privacy will change after a terrorist attack. And this is February of '97. Right? It talks about Hillary getting indicted, it talks about a lung disease, it talks about the currencies failing in 2017-2020 era. It talks about all this crazy shit that’s going on right now, and that’s been going on for the last four years, right? And the interesting thing is, in the middle of the 90s there’s actually a letter from the editor, and the letter says, “we know this particular edition of George sounds a little bit” well, they don’t use the word “conspiratorial”, but they allude to it. And he said, “we just want you to put this away for 20 years and then pull it back out.” He said, “you might not find what you want, but you might just find what you need.”

Now, what’s that? That’s the Rolling Stones song. “You can’t always get what you want” which was his favorite song. Right? Now, think about it. What song ended every Trump rally for the first 5 years? That song.

Now, watch this, watch this. Back in '97, you have to think about this. When magazines were put on the shelves, they didn’t put them out on the first of the month. They were put out a week to 10 days before, right? So, “put this magazine away for 20 years, you might not find what you want, but you might just find what you need.” 20 years from February of 1997, it’s 2017, but 10 days earlier, it’s January 20th, the day that Trump’s getting inaugurated. That was the day of the address, and the 50 boxes [??] and all that stuff. It’s insane how…I mean, there’s no coincidences. It doesn’t mean the guy’s alive or anything, but somebody was doing it on purpose.



lol, a lot could happen here but I would mostly expect Newsom to roast him.

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I doubt Desantis debates probably gives a random speech about wokeness no matter what question asked

Can DeSantis even be shamed?

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Was there supposed to be something after that second bullet point?

ETA: I’m a poker dealer and somewhat regularly have to listen to these idiots. I learned this week that people go broke when they have a health emergency because the democrats created our healthcare/insurance system. Republicans keep trying to fix the insurance system but democrats keep blocking their efforts. Makes sense, do your own research.

That’s weird that bullet got squashed. Deep state conspiracy imo.

A small Arizona county decided to ditch their voting machines and hand-count all the ballots next year. Then they actually did a trial run and found out how much slower, more expensive, and less accurate it would be.

The test run took place in late June, when elections workers spent three days hand-counting a batch of 850 test ballots from the 2022 election, bringing in seven part-time staffers eight-hour days of counting and four full-time staffers who monitored the process.

Elections Director Allen Tempert told the Board of Supervisors at a Tuesday meeting that the group was a “dream team” of experienced staffers, but the feasibility study nonetheless went poorly.
There were counting errors in 46 of 30,600 races on the ballots, as the team tallying the results of the election made mistakes. According to a report prepared for the Board of Supervisors, some of the observed errors included: bored and tired staffers who stopped watching the process, messy handwriting in tallies, fast talkers, or staffers who heard or said the wrong candidate’s name.

Each ballot took three minutes to count, Tempert said. At that pace, it would take a group of seven staffers at least 657 eight-hour days to count 105,000 ballots, the number of ballots cast in 2020. Mohave County would need to hire at least 245 people to tally results and have counting take place seven days a week, including holidays, for nearly three weeks. That estimate doesn’t include the time needed for reconciling mistakes, or counting write-in ballots, Tempert’s report added.


Trump administration flushed more taxpayer money trying to keep this company afloat ($700MM) than was lost on solyndra ($535MM)

lolol. Visiting scholar at the University of Texas!

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lol okay this is too much:

Marc Andreessen — the powerful Silicon Valley venture capitalist and billionaire, and a buddy of Elon Musk — has appeared on CSPI’s podcast, hosted by Hanania, three times. He talked to Hanania for two hours in 2021, and last year sat down with Hanania twice to discuss their “Nietzschean” interpretations of the TV shows “Breaking Bad” and “The Shield.” (In the episode description for the interview about “The Shield,” a police show, Hanania argued that it’s “white cops” maintaining order in America, while Black cops are corrupt and tied to “gangbangers.”)

For those who didn’t watch it, The Shield focused on a group of four white cops who were unbelievably corrupt and its few Black cops in supporting roles (Julien, Claudette) were probably the most morally centered characters on the show


Oops! Literally all of these billionaire techbro dipshits are Nazis!

