GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Hahahaha shut the fuck up you angry dangerous freak

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LOL looks like Tim Scott is running for president solely for the purpose of converting campaign funds to personal funds:

It’ll be funny if Scott gets got while Trump walks free. Tragically funny, but still funny.

I’m putting RFK insanity shit here, idc he’s a GOP operative as far as I’m concerned

anyway, behold, a 1488 tweet from this fucking shitbag


also I’m like 95% sure that “candidates” don’t get Secret Service protection until they are at least presumptively the nominee or at the very least later stages in the campaign. They aint assigning agents to Asa Hutchinson

oh twitter already added that context

I think Bernie got secret service protection during the 2016 campaign, but it was pretty late in the game.

It’s real

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I know the word “unserious” gets used way too much lately, but that’s fundamentally what the GOP base is now, Unserious toddlers who just want the funny silly man who makes fart noises on TV.


NYT has a deep dive on Trisha Cotham (the NC Democrat who bizarrely switched parties to join the Republican supermajority and pass an abortion ban):

She seems…kinda crazy? This reads a bit like the heel turns of Lara Logan or Glenn Greenwald (plus a healthy dose of narcissism, where people being deferential to her is apparently far more important than any political policies).

And this right here is why our system is broken. It caters to people with personality disorders when it should be aggressively weeding them out. There’s zero chance nobody knew she was a selfish piece of shit, she just comes from the right kind of family and knew the right people and it was her turn. And now she’s demonstrated that the current system isn’t checking on these people for character at all, and if it is you won’t like what they’re checking for and excluding lol.

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… Democrats would never, and they should be. Asymmetrical warfare once again.

Also that story is incomplete without a description of the size of the bag, because we’re all adults here right? We all know what really happened here.

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good lord that’s such a GOP mindset it should have been a huge red flag

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ah yes the old “you bullied me so much, I guess i just HAVE to be a nazi now” gambit

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She’s from a rich family and sounds certifiably insane. It really could just be she didn’t feel sufficiently supported and is settling scores.

Absolutely insane if so.

Jackson’s “I was not drinking when I was detained at the rodeo for trying to help someone in a medical emergency” shirt inviting a lot of questions already answered by his shirt

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Darwin awards. I’m good with it.

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lol wat

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I wonder how the food is at Busch Stadium? I want to plan a trip to St. Louis to see a game and visit the Chess Hall of Fame and St. Louis Chess Club.

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