GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Rudy can absolutely get fucked here, he sent his underlings and a horde of Qanon idiots to go harass some random poll worker and her family who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They deserve every last dollar Rudy has left.

From r/conservativeā€”first time I chuckled.


The amazing thing is that whatever he is reducing to disclose in discovery has to be atomic bomb bad for him in the Georgia case. Of course he cannot just get sanctions and fines in criminal case. It will be subpoenaed and he can sit in jail until he coughs it up.

I think assuming a coherent strategy from Rudy is a big assumption

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How is that even remotely legal?



Vivek is going to convert to Christianity and win Iowa.

I mean, heā€™s not wrong.

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I donā€™t know what his academic background is, so maybe he took a course on the bible and read some of it, but the median Space Karen worshiping douche has not read the bible more closely than the median American Christian, they just say shit like that because they are arrogant and ignorant as fuck.

For this to be true, Shlapp would have had to burst into flames on the spot.

I swear the next time any of these ā€œChristian patriotsā€ read the New Testament or the constitution will be the first time.

The Muller She Wrote fans must be going nuts right now, right? Imagine waiting all those years and now itā€™s paying off.

itā€™s very cringy to read and is gonna be morbidly funny when they just get pardoned on Jan 20 2024


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Because of the recent tropical storm, I managed to find out that she apparently lives in San Diego.

I cringed a bit (ok a lot). I still donā€™t know who she is IRL, even though Iā€™m sure itā€™s out there. I donā€™t want to know on the chance that Iā€™ve somehow interacted with her IRL in the course of my political work.

How can 1 senator do this? Loltradition?

Muh norms!

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Iā€™m starting to think the JFK conspiracy theorists were wrong. Cause Tuberville is pissing off the wrong people - DOD, the military industrial complex. Man, next thing you know, heā€™s gonna go after the wedding industrial complex. THEN heā€™s gonna find out.

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JFK was killed by the secret service accidentally when some chucklefuck agent accidentally hit jfk tried to return fire after Oswald shot JFK

(I for really 100% believe this)

In all seriousness, everything in the Senate moves either by unanimous consent or via a protracted debate and vote process. One person can hold up all kinds of shit, but rarely do they hold up boring shit that everyone agrees must happen. Shumer can force votes on all these guys, but it means days per person and not doing anything else but blabbing about these guys.