GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Then let’s go on with it. Not like the house is doing any actual legislation.

It’s that but also there’s the norm where they won’t ask for UC unless the person who’s going to object is there. Which if you’re going to have a rule where you can pass any law you want at any time by just asking and not getting objections is probably a good idea, but there’s room to angle shoot here imo. Like that daylight saving time the Senate passed by UC in 2021 was an accident because they forgot to blast out the e-mail to let the people opposed to it know that they were gonna ask for it so they weren’t there when the time came to object. That’s probably why they House sat on it and did nothing and ran out the clock.

Someone has been reading this thread

I’d rather confirm judges.

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lol “moderate” Republicans. The only difference is they feel awkward saying it out loud, they don’t actually have principled objections to Trump.

This should be fun

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So what do they want this time in exchange for continuing to operate a federal government?

Way more than they could ever get.

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OMG McCarthy is gonna do an impeachment, LETS GOOOOOOOOOO


Its an “inquiry” where they’ll find there is no proof of wrongdoing so probably won’t be able to do an actual impeachment… maybe IANAL…

Do they actually think this going to help Rs electorally? Hard to believe anyone not already voting Trump going to care about this snoozefest

Looks like they also want more spending cuts.

It is about appeasing Trump and his Freedumb supporters in the House so McCarthy is fine with it if it is politically neutral for Rs or even slightly negative. They want payback for Trump’s impeachments.

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The House loonies are correct to think that this helps them with their gerrymandered constituents.

So both SC senators are closeted men that support homophobic legislation. Is that what we are supposed to conclude?

Oh and Tim Scott just learned his party is massively racist?

I think the HFC actually does think this will help them, and it’s probably about 95% to hurt them electorally, 80% to hurt them significantly.

I’m sorry, no one above the age of 30 should be allowed to vape.

I saw a really old guy with a vape pen yesterday.