GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Santos should immediately declare he’s running for Speaker.

A is for Asshole

Came here to post about this. I’ll go ahead with an AP link for for people who don’t want to give Elon clicks:

The 23-count indictment replaces one filed earlier against the New York Republican charging him with embezzling money from his campaign and lying to Congress about his wealth, among other offenses.

The new charges include allegations that he charged more than $44,000 to his campaign over a period of months using cards belonging to contributors without their knowledge. In one case, he charged $12,000 to a contributor’s credit card and transferred the “vast majority” of that money into his personal bank account, prosecutors said.

How the fuck is this guy still a US Representative?

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I’m sure the rest of them laugh about how little he’s stealing.


I just can’t stay mad at George Santos, that man is an adorable scamp. America should have just one senator like that, it’s like you need one goofball in the party when you are on an adventure.


I’d be laughing if he weren’t in a D+2 district.

I’m all for putting him in some hard R district like Kentucky 5 and letting him cook.


Lol. Still too many “No’s”. They had to cancel the vote.

Hmm, I predicted a relatively smooth path for a Scalise type, so my take is either already lol bad or on its way if they don’t get this done in a day or two.

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I am not sure that is a real account

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But it has a blue check?


Listen, if you can’t perform credible outreach to felonious grifters, you can’t be an effective leader in the Republican Party. That’s just the way it is.

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That seems like the latest in a never ending series of video clips that should just be played on repeat in campaign ads from now until he isn’t put in jail for his many crimes…

Well this really narrows down the field.

This shitshow is being pushed down the page or out of the cable news coverage by the war in Israel, but it sure looks like Scalise doesn’t have the votes and the GOP is going to have to go back to the drawing board.

Like what is there path to avoiding a long government shutdown here? Currently no Speaker and the names being talked about would likely launch a long shutdown anyway.

personally I find it hard to believe that jim jordan has never attended a white supremacist event but good for him I guess