GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

He’s good at keeping those kind of things quiet…

If a shutdown can’t be avoided, start planning now to win the messaging war. Republicans are the party of chaos, they can’t govern, they don’t even try to govern, they just want to burn it all down and the American people will pay the price, etc.

“This is what happens when republicans are in charge of just one house of congress. We must elect people who are committed to moving forward and solving problems, not people who just want to gleefully shut everything down.”

Should be easy to blame them if they don’t even have a Speaker…

Scalise nowhere near the needed votes, per Punchbowl. They quote a GOP Rep saying they probably won’t have a vote this week, and they should consider a short term speaker for 45-60 days with Dem help getting him over the finish line. They suggest the interim dude who Dems also seem to hate.

Some other Rep says only Jordan can get to 217, while a third says Jordan has too many hard nos to get to 217.

Could a sitting senator be speaker of the house?

My only strong opinion here is that democrats should not help in any way.


I don’t hate helping in exchange for a cleanish funding of the government, whether for a temporary speaker or a permanent one, but I wouldn’t help for less than that.

Pretty sure that’s a yes. But I think Trump becomes Speaker before any sitting Senator.

Needs to be a clean funding of the government through like February or March of 2025, though.

I thought I heard Joe Manchin’s music.


Imagine trusting Republicans to follow through on a deal. No thanks.

The Speaker in such a scenario would have to be someone Democrats trusted to keep their word, regardless of where they fall on a left/right scale. Like a Liz Cheney or Charlie Dent or Jeff Flake type. Cheney sure isn’t moderate, but Republicans hate her anyway and she’s trustworthy if she says she’ll put a bill on the floor.

Of course, the problem with all of this is, those names would be passing with 100% of the Dem caucus and like five Republican votes. If Dems are doing all the heavy lifting, it’s gotta be Jeffries or a moderate Dem.



Wait a minute…


I feel like it’s emblematic of democrats political luck that this happening when like no voter going to appreciate the daily R incompetence to govern

It’s going to be kind of funny though if the average voter goes from paying no attention to like, “WHY THE FUCK HAS THE GOVERNMENT BEEN SHUT DOWN FOR TWO MONTHS??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY DON’T HAVE A FUCKING SPEAKER???”

Then less funny when 30 seconds later it’s, “THANKS, BIDEN, YOU ASSHOLE!”

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LOL fuck off. Happy to help by expelling Matt Gaetz and MTG, asshole!

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At this point, they should just start each day by randomly drawing one member of the House to be speaker for that day.

the problem with this is that there is literally no way to enforce any such agreement, and we’re only in this situation because republicans already went back on the deal they made when they “solved” the debt ceiling crisis