GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Looks like Emmer is on the cusp of getting the majority of GOP votes in conference necessary to be the next nominee. However, he voted to certify the election (Gasp), so he is unlikely to get to 217. The shitshow will continue.

I saw some chatter earlier about Ds having “strategic absences” to lower the bar needed to get Emmer over the finish line if he pinky swears to fund the government and bring Israel/Ukraine aid to the floor. Seems like an extremely dumb thing to do so I find it credible.

Can’t believe I’m replying to my own post but I guess I won’t shut up about it. The GOP is openly field testing raising the voting age to retain power. The next time the Democrats take power we should pass a mandatory national retirement age bill that includes competency tests for voting/drivers licenses/etc over the age of ~65.

Every time you talk about term limits the political science nerds get up in arms about institutional knowledge. I’m fine with you being able to serve as many terms as physically possible as long as you’re 65 or younger. After that it’s time to get out of the way. Ideally I’d like to see it work that way for almost every leadership role nationwide.

The Democrats have structural disadvantages from just how the system is built. Seems like job #1 after getting power should be to try to rectify that. The fact that it isn’t is more and more suspicious to me.

This is never going to work the way you want it to. 80-year-olds in Congress will exemptions and a ton of actually competent people doing productive work in their 60’s-70’s will get shafted.

Those people need to quit the workforce for the good of the other people in the workforce. I don’t care about their competence or their productivity. Every minute they work in that job blocks the next person up from getting some actual experience in that job.

I should note that I think the way our job market works presently is entirely broken and dysfunctional. I would 1000% put things back the way they were with people working for one place their entire careers usually if it were up to me.

Up or out for leadership roles absolutely has to be the order of the day… and that means if you’ve reached the top your tenure has a fixed end date that you need to prepare the organization for in a structured way. IC’s don’t need a retirement age ldo.

It’s absolutely not OK to have some Boomer holding the same director role for 35 years, even if they are great at it. You just blocked 8-10 people from progressing through that role and created a bottleneck right below you that literally shits out people your company has invested 10-15 years of training into. That Boomer is not performing so far above replacement level that that’s justifiable if they also didn’t get promoted out of that role in 3-5 years.


Been so distracted by other world events that not fully appreciating how dysfunctional the Rs are

Great title while it lasts


LMAO they’re even more fractured than before.

I miss Predictit, these markets must be wild.

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That’s gotta be enough to sink him. Who’s next?

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uh, spoiler alert? I haven’t seen the Lion King yet.


When is the crazeball from the boonies Stefanik going to get a turn?

what the fucking christ is this shit

I mean, she’s not wrong --why are community notes needed here?

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