GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I’ll admit I don’t know the specifics of the procedure but I’m pretty sure in the past they’ve gone back and forth on things like funding before passing different versions before one house capitulates and passes what the other sends over without a formal conference committee. I should’ve been more clear in that the Senate will pass Ukraine + Israel, the House will say “fuck you” and pass Israel only, and then the Senate will capitulate and pass that because “time is of the essence” or some dumb shit like that. The only x-factor is that Cocaine Mitch really seems to want the Ukraine aid too so he might help Schumer and company find a spine.

Can’t the Dems do a privileged resolution in the House for Ukraine money, which forces it to the floor and then it should pass with a handful of GOP votes?

I think that would work but it’s a slow process and probably violates some norms.

Cool, cool cool cool:

Yeah I’m not sure. The only way I’ve heard that you can get something to the floor without the Speaker is a discharge petition which sounds like it’s complicated and takes a while and you’ve gotta get 6 or so GOP members to sign on to it to get it moving. That seems like a high hill to climb given that it would be the moderates and they just capitulated by electing this guy Speaker so I doubt they’re willing to knife him this early on.

yes, there is a way to force stuff to the floor even if the speaker doesn’t want to but it’s a lot of hoops to jump through and it’s not clear if enough Rs will be willing to stick their neck out

Where did you hear that? My December national park vacation is riding on this. Thnx

Which park?

Saguaro, White Sands, Guadalupe, Carlsbad Caverns, Big Bend, Petrified Forest

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I was just thinking about this guy the other day, basically, “I haven’t heard anything about Mitch for a while, is he dying or what?”

Sad to hear he’s alive and kicking, and looking pretty spry (compared to the freeze-ups and zombie hands incidents).

It’s from a letter he sent to House Rs a couple of days ago outlining his plans if he became Speaker. tl;dr he wants to do the whole “pass 12 individual spending bills” thing but he says he understands it’s a tight timeline and he’d be willing to pass a short-term CR until January 15th or April 15th depending on what the rest of the Rs are up for.

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Honestly Johnson is a pretty major win for the Democrats going into 2024. That guy is not going to back down on abortion, in fact he’s going to double down on it and the o/u on the number of crazy pants abortion bills he actively tries to get passed is at least 1 and could easily be 2.

Dude is not ready for prime time in any way shape or form and he’s going to drive turnout from the other side.

The only thing that matters is the Presidency, I don’t see how a government shutdown in January or April is going to favor Biden even if a small majority of voters take his side against Speaker McJesus.


shutdowns have literally always hurt the GOP (since they’re always the ones doing the shutting down)

Abortion is a very important issue for 2024. Could be more important than the economy. Probably is. Johnson is an extreme extremist on the issue at a moment when the GOP needs to back peddle faster than a free safety on the issue.

God is seriously going to tell this guy to try to ram through a national abortion ban at least once.

They hurt them in the short term for sure, but once they get resolved it all goes down the memory hole. The government would have to be shutdown well into October 2024 for it to matter. Like that time in 2013 when they shut it down over Obamacare, got crucified, then proceeded to win a bunch of House and Senate seats in 2014 because everyone either forgot it happened or didn’t care by then.

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I mean, yeah they shut down the government, but also Obama wore a tan suit.

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hip hop BBQ!

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best comment on Mike Johnson so far, Kara Swisher on the Pivot podcast:

“He’s like Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile, when I looked at a picture of him holding the gavel and he had a little smirk on his face, I thought ‘oh he’s preening… he’s a preener.’ the word ‘preening’ completely… I thought he’s a very fussy preener. He knows exactly how he looks all the time.”

I think we may have ended up with someone worse than Jordan:

Also it looks like the government shuts down in 3 weeks unless the democrats completely cave.