GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Dave left millions on the table before so I doubt that is the driving force.

I don’t like it either but ego and hurt feelings go a long ways. You had people out there calling him a house ninja for simply letting Musk on stage, something he afforded to anyone else in the same position.



Everything I don’t like is a slippery slope

the LAW AND ORDER party

“The release of the January 6 tapes is a critical and important exercise. We want transparency,” Johnson said. “House Republicans trust the American people to draw their own conclusions.”

Start by giving us the location of where your black son’s body is buried Mike

McCarthy out. Bye Felecia.

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He’s going to be a talking head on CNN or something by the summer.

The McCarthy article I skimmed didn’t seem to say when and how his seat will be filled after he leaves. Anyone know the answer?

Not sure about when but I think the “how” is always an election (either regular or special) for House seats, unlike Senate appointments.

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The CA rules are weird, the election to fill the seat happens like 135 days after he quits so their majority will be down to 2 seats.

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I’m sure democrats will try to take advantage of that window - hahah who am i kidding

lol put him in a body bag


If Christie’s politics weren’t shit I would definitely be capable of liking him.

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The one purpose he serves well is body bagging shit heads in republican debates. He’s actually good at it and it’s the only time he’s ever likable.


I get that I’m on a politics forum and obviously have an interest there, but my god I can’t imagine having even the slightest interest in watching Love Island: Bigot Edition. These clowns are all complete and total zeros.


We had just moved to the Philly burbs before Sandy hit.

He pretty much said on air that anyone that ignored his evacuation order was an effing moron.

It’s because he isn’t afraid to be a complete asshole when necessary. The left desperately needs someone with that kind of “You’re a horrible human being and I’m not going to stand here and pretend otherwise” energy.

I thought this guy had promise back in the day:

A more modern example of what I want more of:


I want like 100 Megan Hunts in the House and 20 in the Senate. Can we start cloning her?

By the way, if she was in Congress, I’d set the o/u at 1.5 weeks before some GOP blowhard dipshit said something about her that triggered a massive Democratic fundraising haul. And then I’d put the o/u for the next clownfuck making the same mistake at like 1.5 days. My only question would be what would come first, the anti-trans shit or the “rhymes with Hunt” shit. But there’s no way the MTG’s and Gaetz’s and Boeberts of the world could lay off the pitch. Just no way.