GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

That seems significant. Repubs calling for Santos to resign now.

Yeah I would never install any non work app on a work phone at all. Just get a bat phone.

Fuck you no remains undefeated though.

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You mean RINOs calling for him to resign. Doesn’t count.

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Man I wish it were true, but the GOP culture war shit amped up to 11 is going to move the needle. I already hear about woke being bad and anti-trans stuff that has been normalized by “run of the mill deplorables” that aren’t white supremacist nazis and it’s just going to get so much worse.

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Can’t believe these RINOs are trying to make the founder of the Republican party resign his seat, it’s a disgrace!


If Santos can get elected, surely we can find a charismatic democratic to run as a trojan horse maga candidate in a red district.


We should be doing this for Supreme Court Justices too.

Yeah, someone who can say “I consider Citizens United to be settled law” with a serious expression on their face in the confirmation hearing, then throw it in the trash at the first opportunity.

the judicial trojan horses always puzzled me as basically non-starters. say you are in a pre-law major, how much shit do need to get through for that sweet federal judgeship?

likely you have to have your sights on a top school, with all the grades and extracurriculars and groveling to professors that involves. then in law school, more groveling to only certain faculty, write textualism law review articles, probably get selected for federalist retreats and indoctrination, pass some loyalty tests, likely be told to dump on some student protests about housing or financial aid or whatever. then you go clerk for a year or two through those connections, get exposed to some truly awful opinions and see a lot of how the sausage is made. but even that’s not enough, then you gotta go be a legislative aid, or litigate, with even more focus on your ideology, as wel as sexual partners, friends. oh man, probably have to some church service and school recruiting of the same ilk.

i just don’t know who has the stamina to essentially go undercover for that long.

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And then you do it and dodge assassinations from crazies the rest of your life. Or you can write shitty right wing opinions and have tons of money funneled to you on top of your judicial salary salary and get to visit Epstein island. But watch out, Larry Tribe might say something snarky about you on Twitter!

Grunching. Heat pumps much better. They can get as much as 4 to 1 or even 5 to 1 ration of heat out to energy in.

Direct conversion is only ever going to get a max of 1 to 1.

bold strategy to manufacture an all-out anti-abortion issue nationwide. keep in mind that abortion did not motivate midterm democrats where they felt abortion was safe. let’s see how it works out now.

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Boy, I thought this issue wasn’t popping up until this summer
. It looks like we are hitting the debt limit in 6 days? (The treasury secretary can forestall that for a while with “extraordinary measures” but I’m not sure how long).

Sounds like this belongs in an “LOL Democrats” thread then if their last minute budget didn’t even cover us for a month. EDIT: I see @goofy is a step ahead, glad I could live up to the site’s namesake.


Is this true?

Mother Jones has more

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It’s going to turn out he’s like an actual Russian Spy, right? Like we’ve got to be drawing live to that at this point.


Part of me wonders if there was a tiny bit of strategy involved in that, maybe hoping low-info voters would make the connection and be like “oh jeez that new Republican House got sworn in and less than a month later there’s a big fucking budget mess” as opposed to it seemingly happening out of nowhere mid-year, where the GOP can tell people that Grandpa Joe finally ran the country into the ground or something, and people believe it.

But yeah it’s probably just LOL Democrats.

Surely an actual spy, Russian or not, would be better at this, and have one coherent identity/story.

I’m guessing he’s just a moron, sociopath, con man, who started grifting and because we live in the stupidest simulation it carried him to a Congressional seat.