GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Checking in on Ken Paxton

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They’re criminalizing making an Uber!

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Lol there’s a fucking debate in a week.


I want this to be real so bad

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I put this in the mass shooting thread, but cross posting here because it seems important to both - a racially motivated shooting of three random black people in a Dollar General.

You can’t “infiltrate” an institution you control. That would be like racists infiltrating the KKK

watch out, we got a badass over here


Things are getting real for America’s Mayor right about now.

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LOL Rudy.


The biggest indictment of the US is that scammers like this end up as presidential candidates instead of bankrupt and in jail.


Yeah it’s really this. Capitalism only kind of works when society restrains it from just doing whatever it wants. Without those restraints it rapidly starts rewarding some strange behavior. One of those major restraints that pretty much always has to be present is that fraud/deception for profit of really any kind can’t be tolerated at all. The more you tolerate it the worse it becomes.

My theory of 2024 continues to be that Biden will win relatively easily (although the swing states will be a sweat as always) with a greater margin than 2020. I don’t think even a recession would doom him. However, if he starts freezing up for 30 seconds at a time like Turtle, there better be a speedy and robust plan B.

Rudy can absolutely get fucked here, he sent his underlings and a horde of Qanon idiots to go harass some random poll worker and her family who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They deserve every last dollar Rudy has left.

From r/conservative—first time I chuckled.


The amazing thing is that whatever he is reducing to disclose in discovery has to be atomic bomb bad for him in the Georgia case. Of course he cannot just get sanctions and fines in criminal case. It will be subpoenaed and he can sit in jail until he coughs it up.

I think assuming a coherent strategy from Rudy is a big assumption

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