Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

Case in point:


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Seems like tons of headlines about Moldova wonder if something actually about to happen or if Russia just trying more rumors to force Ukraine to spread forces around more.


there’s a photo op pic circulating of the first 4 polish leopards arriving in Ukraine.


Russia is basically the Sopranos except Tony got elected President of Russia.

The map China suggested for a peace deal:

Russia gets to keep Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya and most of Kherson.

In exchange what remains of Eastern Ukraine is demilitarized so they stop being a threat to Russia.

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I’m guessing the response from Ukraine is going to be along the lines of “nobody fucking asked you”


Funny how all these peace proposals always feature Russia getting everything they currently hold if not more.



that map is so bad, it’s gotta be fake. right, anakin? right?

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Russians keep closing in on Bakhmut:


Twitter stuff not sounding optimistic about bakmut, think they planning to hole up and fight it out until they have to surrender like Mariupol? Guess there would me more chance here of getting rescued by a counter attack at some point?

I think they will have to abandon it. Bakhmut is not as defensible as the Azov steel plant was and the soldiers in the steel plant had nowhere to retreat. They were surrounded.

The price they extracted for Bakhmut was outrageous. Let’s see what the next trick the Ukrainian high command has up their sleeve is.

They also held them off long enough to deny Putin a propaganda victory for his speech before the Duma and the one year anniversary celebrations.

Lol, no.