Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

it was. biggest takeaway is russia is suspending its participation (but not leaving yet) in the New START treaty, which controls the numbers of nuclear warheads by russia/usa.

with his track record, it’s likely that russia wasn’t abiding by the treaty anymore anyway, and they have largest reported stockpile already, so the value of this move is dubious.


reports are coming out that ukraine is still ceding territory north of bakhmut while killing a large number of russian infantry, but also that AFU had some success talking back streets within Bakhmut that were captured just days ago.

the russian tactic of sending waves of men with artillery support but no armored or airborne cover is predictably depleting their ranks.

Yankina’s death is being investigated as a possible suicide, the Russian outlet Fontanka reported.

Easiest investigative job ever. Show up, pretend to look around, count to 60, “Yup, it’s a suicide!”


Twitter makes it sound like Ukraine using yet to be determined new weapon on occupied Mariupol


Thread explains in-depth what the fighting looks like, why Wagner did better than the Russian army and what Ukraine can do better.

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russians drink a lot though. noone can sneeze at that kind of cash

So do people think it’s likely for Russia to launch some big new attack this week separate from what they already doing? Feel like been a lot of talk of it but also seems dumb to plan some large offensive for an apparently easily predicted time for symbolism?

Random quick question and I maybe should investigate this myself given this internet connection—but I associate potatoes with Peru and Ireland. Obviously I associate whiskey with Ireland. Less well known is Pisco which is a Peruvian liquor (don’t get the Chilean swill) used in a Pisco Sour. So how is it that Russia is famous for vodka the potato liquor?

Ok some of my question remains but

you can make vodka out of anything, but potato vodka is a Polish thing. in russia it’s almost always wheat.

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solid putin roasts here

The consensus on Twitter is that Russia right now has neither the men nor the materiel to stage a large offensive that has any chance of success.