Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

Feel like whether it Wagner guy whining or stories of rifts in Ukraine I’m not inclined to believe a whole lot of rumors or “announcements” about any side right now

I have a hard time imagining that Bakhmut is costing the Ukrainians more than the Russians right now. They’re taking heavy losses but they’re inflicting even more heavy losses on the Russians. If this news is true (big if to the point of it being worthless imo) it’s because the Russian attack on Bakhmut is flagging and a counter attack there looks like it would do serious damage.

In every other situation I can think of the right move is to keep slowly retreating while doing the defense in depth thing and charging the Russians in lives per yard of ground in preparation for the spring offensive.

More likely than not this is a just a deception. Wherever the battle tanks are going is where the head of the spear will be.

Some speculation on the number of T-72 tanks actually has:

before the war 2000 active + 1500 in storage, 1000 of those confirmed lost by Oryx

Are the tanks in storage useful or in need of repairs?

Considering they stood around for many years and proper maintenance isn’t a high priority for the Russian army I expect that most will need some kind of repair or might even be unrepairable.

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shoigu claimed afu lost 11k fighters in bakhmut. that seems high, but even at 8k and 5-1 like nato estimates, that’s 40k russian forces dead.

also kinda interesting video on how surveillance drones are being deployed and what effect they have on the battlefield. here’s a group correcting artillery fire. the video isn’t graphic.

and another guy got into nyt op-ed

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several reports (not from same sources) that say AFU used a JDAM. and video

implications are pretty big. with a range of upto 75km, they would move weapon caches even further away from the front lines.

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Man, am I going to have to make a “JLaw with a JDAM” meme to go with my “JLaw with an NLAW” meme?


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So are there any weapons we could give Ukraine short of nukes/full on invasion of Russia that would allow Ukraine to stop these bombers from shooting their missiles in first place? Like are they operating so deep back that even having modern fighters would be of no use?

patriots may work on the approaching missiles. certain weapons can target the sea launchers. otherwise no.

Tomahawks should be able to hit anything in the Black Sea, shouldn’t they? Those ships can probably stop a few of them but I doubt they could deal with more than a handful.

Like hypothetically could something like a F-35 evade enough radar to shoot at the bombers?

F-35s could almost certainly take out the bombers one-on-one, but the issue is that the bombers are never leaving Russian airspace and firing stand-off weapons from hundreds of miles away.

I just hear so much about the stealth aspect of planes so was wondering if that means they potentially stealthy enough to hypothetically make way into Russia/etc

My guess here is terror attacks on civilians that just piss the Ukrainians off more.

Not a difficult guess, but a good one

I mean when they’ve done something a hundred times in a row…

Several sources say that parliament of Georgia has abandoned the “foreign agents” law. for sure they’ll try again sometime, but for now protestors won. the other demand is to release all detainees from the protests.