LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

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Comrade Joe

So weā€™re just supposed to erase Reagan from our memories? Because god knows Iā€™d like to.

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there they go again trying to make me think Joey B is based


This has got to be, what, 1.5 Sklansky judges not confirmed in the time wasted to do this ridiculous shit?:

Nah, itā€™s 0. There just arenā€™t that many spots left to fill after the last few years, especially since theyā€™re still honoring blue slips for some reason so any state with an R senator is out of play for district judges.

Iā€™m okay with it, the suit thing is a dumb distraction for the Dems.

Fetterman comes into the senate in shorts: ZOMG WE MUST PASS A DRESS CODE THIS INSTANT

MTG shows dick pics at a congressional hearing: Meh, thatā€™s fine

Now that he seems to be closer to his old self and making snappy comebacks, I actually think them constantly attacking him for it was a win for Dems.

I hope that he just defies it. what are they gonna do, impeach him? heā€™s a sitting us senator

The brief measure stipulates that ā€œbusiness attire be worn on the floor of the Senate, which for men shall include a coat, tie, and slacks or other long pants,ā€ and that the Senateā€™s sergeant at arms will enforce the code.

If true, an individual wearing a coat, tie, and slacks with a hoodie over them would be in compliance with the dress code.


Just got a rebate check from the health insurance company for almost $400 from last yearā€™s premiums because of the ACA requirement that they spend at least 80% of premiums on health care services.

Democrats are such losers they probably wonā€™t run an ad with people holding up their rebate checks saying, ā€œThanks, Obama,ā€ with Biden saying something likeā€¦ ā€œI worked with Barack Obama to help lower healthcare costs and make sure that if big corporations donā€™t rip off the working man. Now Iā€™m fighting to helpā€¦ etc etcā€

Or, a bunch of actors playing reformed MAGA types goingā€¦ ā€œThey told me we were going to have death panels, but instead all I got is better insurance and this rebate check!ā€

Bonus points if it triggers the GOP into arguing for repeal again.

But Dems wonā€™t do it because the establishment really doesnā€™t want to do stuff like this that hurts corporations.


My dude, what are you doing?

How is this worse than lying about the contents of tweets in the impeachment hearing?

why would democrats want to delay a CR vote?

can someone explain to me how the motion to vacate works? the media acts like Gaetz can unilaterally nuke mccarthy at any time, but that canā€™t possibly be correct can it? My guess is that the motion to vacate is ā€¦ just a motion? He can force a floor vote up or down on keeping mccarthy? How many votes could they possibly have to get rid of him?

the fact that gaetz has not in fact pulled the trigger strongly suggests that he knows he doesnā€™t have the votes he needs to get rid of mccarthy