LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory



They literally needed more time to read it so that they could make sure McCarthy hadn’t snuck bullshit into it. Respect to Bowman here.


Sounds like McCarthy and Dems rolled the nutjobs. Pulled the Ukraine funding out to get their votes on this, then next week they’re going to do a separate bipartisan bill on the Ukraine funding that will pass with Dems and the non-crazy Republicans.

I assume a one week pause in funding for that won’t be a big deal, and that DOD can just move some numbers around on a page to make it work.

The GOP is calling for him to be arrested and charged, and one member is drafting a bill to expel him - wouldn’t be surprised at all if they go for it against the black guy from NY. I almost hope they do expel him, he could probably be back in there via special election in two months or less.

Big mistake on his part not just lying and saying he thought he saw some flames or smoke coming around the corner or something. Someone else could have even done something to create some smoke, or whatever. But even if he just said it, they’d have a hard time proving it or charging him.

He damn near admitted to it.

In fact, they should have just had two Dems around a corner yelling about someone deserving to be FIRED. Then he hears “FIRE!” and runs to the alarm.

They’re very against PoLiTiCaL pRoSeCuTiOn though :leolol:


I assume Lauren Boebert was vaping somewhere in the vicinity.

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I haven’t looked it up but I’m pretty sure you need a 2/3s majority to expel someone so nothing will come of it.

I’m sure this won’t happen, but this would be a terrible decision:

Appoint a former actress as a “placeholder” who has no political experience and whose claim to fame is that she is literally British royalty? Yeah that’ll play well.

Zero chance. In other Newsom news:

He’s running


Could probably pull some loose sweatpants over the slacks as well.

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(doubt she’ll run)


Katie Porter wins the primary easily right?


It’s very early but polls have her and Schiff close, and Lee in third.

The electorate that chose Feinstein in 2018 probably would prefer the moderate. If it comes down to Porter vs Schiff in the general, Porter might benefit from republicans voting against Schiff because republicans really hate Schiff.

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That was kinda a weird election though, like most voters were probably checked out and like “who’s this other guy” (it’s not like he was well funded after all) “and why would I not vote for Feinstein”. Here’s a different, more hopeful analogue: