LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Some sort of UBI seems like it going to be about only possible way to maintain a stable society once the machines do most the work right? Like what other non cataclysmic option do we have

I get that, but the linked policy wasnā€™t actually universal.

I guess the entire population of Denver is ā€œmore than 800 peopleā€, but I really donā€™t think that is what they meant.

That doesnā€™t seem like it would be effective enough to avoid the ton of inflation. But you would definitely have to do that to help come up with the funds to pay out.

If you pay for it by raising taxes, where would the inflation come from? Same money, just spent by different people.

Now personally I think the economy would have an unworldly boom if it happened so there would be inflation from that but since everyone is sharing more equally in this newly giant pie no problems at all.

Yesā€¦ha ha haā€¦YES!!

Damn, Democrats finally got a real one? Every other Dem recuses cause of the Norms

iirc, the GOP demands for recusal were for the dumbest, most bad-faith reasons imaginable, it was like ā€œshe campaigned on this issue so she canā€™t be unbiasedā€ or something and now theyā€™re falling to their fainting couches.

Sorry motherfuckers, promises made, promises kept!

I thought they had found the secret sauce to impeach her but never hold a hearing to sideline her. Is that not still happening?

tired: basket of deplorables

wired: letā€™s send trump voters to reeducation camps

has anyone considered telling hilldawg to go fucking retire and shut the fuck up?

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LOL Democrats love their means testing. I doubt you could get 20% of Democrats in Congress to support UBI much less Republicans

Itā€™s not money that those rich people are spending on consumption. Itā€™s just money theyā€™re saving, investing, hiding in a Swiss bank, or whatever. Theyā€™re not spending it at Walmart.

If you taxed Scrooge McDuck by taking out half the contents of his vault, and gave it to all the other ducks, you can bet there is going to be some inflation.

Also, Iā€™m not sure taxing the rich will be enough. Letā€™s say everyone in the US gets $1000/month of UBI, we would be looking at over $3 trillion per year. I think we would have to really loosen up our definition of ā€œrich peopleā€ to get it from taxing rich people alone.

I do agree with your other point that even if there is inflation, other effects may cause it to be net beneficial.

Part of that money will find its way back to the treasury. People will pay sales (and other) taxes, companies will pay more taxes on their increased revenue, companies will hire more people to deal with increased consumption who in turn will pay income taxes, etc.

I get all of that, but 3+ Trillion is a lot of money to come up with no matter how you do the math.

A string of recent vetoes have made it clear that Newsom is planning to run in 2028 as a shitty centrist:

I saw the caste discrimination one and was wondering what is the need for that law? Like what would be illegal because of it that not currently illegal?

I guess the argument against the need for this bill is the fact that ā€œancestryā€ is a protected category in California, and you could argue that ā€œcasteā€ is part of that and thus already protected.

On the flip side, this bill was written specifically because of Dalits (ā€œuntouchablesā€) coming forward with stories of how their caste has followed them to the United States and resulted in mistreatment by other South Asians, and the fact this stuff happens implies that existing laws are not good enough:

As a side note, working in tech at a company with lots of people from India, a lot of the internal discussion Iā€™ve seen about this sort of issue isā€¦discomforting. Itā€™s obvious a lot of these people are right-wingers (in the context of Indian politics, not American) and some are Hindu nationalists like Modi. This article goes into more detail about what the mainstream media has missed when reporting on this in a very both-sides manner, ignoring that the loudest voices on one side of it are the Indian equivalent of Trumpers:

Yet the extremists promoting anti-anti-casteism are presented by U.S. media as concerned citizens instead of foot soldiers for a grander and more insidious movement. Whatā€™s more, their statements to the press convey Hindu fundamentalistsā€™ common propagandistic talking points time and time again with no pushback or fact-checking, and their well-known, ruthlessly organized methods of flooding social media and politiciansā€™ offices with rampant disinformation are framed as grassroots protests.

Iā€™ve seen people expressing, for example, that the degrees of Dalits who get into IITs (prominent public Indian universities, where affirmative action for Dalits is enshrined in their constitution) are worth less because of that affirmative action, or that this affirmative action actually makes Dalits favored and the real victims of persecution are the higher castes. Sound familiar? Being attuned to the history of racism in the United States, you can clock a lot of the same rhetoric when right-wing Indians talk about caste and how we actually shouldnā€™t do anything about it.


Hell, a huge fraction of them are actually Trumpers. Breaks my brain.

I have a neighbor who is an Indian white supremacist. He seems to legit think heā€™s white because of his caste. Thin blue line bumper sticker.

Any chance you could give us a quick TR of how you sussed this out. There had to be more than the bumper sticker.

Most of the ones I know go with some version of ā€œI/my parents jumped through a million fucking hoops to live here legally and now they just want to open it up to anyone. Youā€™re goddamn right we need a fucking wall. At a bare minimumā€.

Letting Tubofshit block hundreds of military appointments is so unbelievably stupid.