LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Newsom has gone full bad guy. There’s a long list of vetoes on this page (scroll like 2/3 down) and he’s killing tons of legislation.

Will Cali legislature be able to override any these?

I dunno. The legislature can override a veto with a 2/3 majority, and Dems hold like 80 percent of each house of the legislature, but the problem is that they haven’t even tried to overrule a veto in decades.

He’s vetoing things that passed unanimously.

CA legislative twitter is baffled, no one expected this level of fuckery, and I’ve seen so many people saying how bad he’s tanking his chances at winning a presidential primary.



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I really don’t want to take a victory lap here but LOL at some of the shit vetoed, holy christ

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Please let us know if you get any insight into wtf is going on with him. Very strange.

he’s going with the “nothing will fundamentally change” messaging

I don’t follow Cali politics at all but Newsom seems to me A) wants to be president and B) is not stupid.

I’ve always felt Governors (from both parties even) tend to be the most reasonable of politicians then as soon as they catch a glimpse of potential presidency the show begins to the detriment of their state.

I don’t even understand the politics of this one. Abortion is like democrats huge winning issue. How could Newsom think vetoing this would help him politically, even in a general election, even in red states?

He’s 100% a craven opportunist who is making calculated decisions about the best way to become president and he’s probably right.

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I’m not sure he is right though?

I’m not sure either, but time will tell.

Turns out the guy whose ex moved on to Jr might not be such a great guy after all. I hate it here!


It’s hilarious (in a “laughing instead of crying” way) that he’s doing this because he wants to win a presidential primary. One of the two groups here is wrong about how to do that!

It’s going to be so funny if he charges forward with his reëlection campaign.

Someone tell this guy he’s a Democrat lol. I get being confused because he’s from NJ but…

Schumer helping out Sinema lolDems.

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Yeah they say the establishment Dems aren’t in on it and then do this shit. In before the party leadership endorses her in the next primary.

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