LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Watching Feinstein debate is going to be amazing.

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I actually believe difi

“I haven’t thought about it much”

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Difi is more likely to be dead of Alzheimers in 2 years than she is running in a primary… particularly vs Katie Porter. IF she lives some ghoulish eDem grifters might use her reanimated corpse for a payday.

Serious Sinchin (Manema?) Budget House Dems, hurr de durr, having trouble playing nice! :crying_cat_face:

Gillibrand says she’s leaning towards supporting Sinema over Gallego. I have to assume that means Schumer is too. I doubt Gillibrand would buck him on this.

not surprised.

Legislative caucuses have a priority system when it comes to who they support/donate/help

  1. Defend incumbents
  2. Open seats
  3. challengers

That’s not one but two strikes against them helping Gallego.

I disagree with this priority system wholeheartedly because they include “challengers of republicans” in category 3

But they’re defending an incumbent who left the party.

Doesn’t change the fact that Gallego would still be 3rd priority.

Like it or not, these people are all “friends” and they don’t want their friends to lose their jobs. That’s the bottom line. In our race, we knew that even the Dem leadership in the state senate “liked” Brian Jones, so that made them really super reluctant to help us out. That’s why challengers are lowest priority.

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Yeah it’s no surprise to me that Sinema is friends with the Democratic establishment. She’s the one taking arrows so they don’t get blamed for not doing anything.

Regardless, it’s bullshit and they’re all in on it.

Truth or Dare? is a classic game where you either have to say or do something humiliating, but in my opinion, a far more sinister game would be DeFi or DiFi? where a person is forced to commit a large portion of their net worth either to some crypto scam or as a bet on Feinstein retaining her seat in 2024.


Or you could just mug them.

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Everyone knows DiFi hibernates in the winter. Her exact announcement date depends on whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow in a few days.


I get that ageism is a legitimate issue, but the way the media has handled DiFi with kid gloves is full on malpractice.


Six more weeks of winter is bad enough. I can’t do six more years of DiFi because some overhyped rodent saw his shadow.

Yeah seems weird given all the talk of Trump/Biden age. Seems the implication is that senators don’t actually have to think or do anything for themselves

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well… bye