LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

It’s the electoral equivalent of clearing the dessert from the dinner table as one guest sits there, nibbling at the main course chicken dish that had been served hours prior.



every once in awhile dems really do vote their conscience

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DiFi going strong with about two years of service left.

“Did I vote for that?” Insider overheard the California Democrat ask her long-time chief of staff, David Grannis, about approving a judicial nominee to the federal bench.

Grannis, who had just finished explaining to his 89-year-old boss that the six Senate votes scheduled throughout the day would be on Biden appointees, shook his head and said, “No.”

We’re drawing live to her accidentally sinking a vote.


What’s the process for replacing a Senator in PA?

Looks like appointment by the governor. The appointee would then serve until the 2024 election, where PA would then have two senate races, one for six years (Casey) and one for four years (Fetterman).

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Fetterman is a champ for powering through general election with all this going on


why would they need to replace him?

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I think anyone suffering form his stroke-related disabilities would be depressed. Let’s not write him off just yet.

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  1. depression is nearly always treatable
  2. he did what he was supposed to do and sought help for it
  3. plenty of people can function and even thrive while severely depressed, it’s why you hear about super successful people all of a sudden just offing themselves and no one had any clue it was coming

My dudes this stuff doesn’t happen/come out in the way it did with him unless its… really not good. 3 health incidents in 6 months? Come on. $100 bet to charity he’s a senator this time next year I take no, any takers?

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set discourse’s bookmark reminder feature for 1 year from now



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To admit a sitting senator to a psychiatric hospital for depression they almost surely would be severely suicidal or catatonic. But that doesn’t mean can’t bounce back relatively quickly

As someone who has been severely depressed I admire his willingness to admit he’s struggling and seek professional help.


it was voluntary


Yeah I think it’s intentional they sharing this publicly to decrease stigma. I’m sure lots of politicians have had similar need for hospitalization but obscure it as a vague medical hospitalization and never mention mental health.


the hospitalization is probably out of an abundance of caution. There’s zero chance he was 51-50’d or anything like that, but I’m sure we’re about to hear a bunch of horrific takes about this for the next several weeks.


I read that. If someone has as many resources at their disposal in a setting as delicate to attention as a senator there could be a lot of outpatient treatment plan options like daily psychiatrist visits, 24/7 home supervision, etc that provide essentially hospital level of care so the threshold of what it would take to go the route of hospitalization is going to be pretty high and probably involve significant immediate safety concerns.

I think that’s jumping to a lot of conclusions. They may have decided it was the best environment for him to recover away from all the distractions of being a senator.

FYI Lincoln was severely depressed his whole life and many times his colleagues feared he would kill himself. Back in those days, mental illness was not viewed with such stigma as it is now. The fact that people are immediately jumping to the worst conclusions says a lot about the state of where we’re at with this.

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It’s the modern news world. Hillary got pneumonia during presidential race and everyone lost their mind. Cheney was on brink of death as VP and kept that somewhat buried (at least the severity) until after