LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

It’s weird given her background. You think one morning after she won the senate seat she just woke up and thought “fuck it, I’m gonna sell out and live the high life?”


Could be blackmail, too.

I think she was always just trying to get to the highest position possible to max grift. The only surprise was how quickly she cashed in her chips once she got to the Senate.

Bad move on her part, imo.

The grift game is a marathon, not a sprint.

She did get some high leverage spots right away, though.

I don’t know, she played pretty poorly. She could have done low level corruption while largely toeing the party line and kept her seat for decades.

Eh. That route is a lot more work than the route she took. And she’s for sure set for life.

I mean, what do you think the going rate was to preserve the filibuster for billionaires? She might have gotten a few terms worth of corruption value in one fell swoop.

Not nuking the filibuster wasn’t the worst thing she did though, and she had a decent amount of company there. I don’t think refusing to nuke the filbuster causes her to lose her re-election in a vacuum.

Has this guy been alive for the past 23 years

Dragging the GOP here is the right move politically. Talking about how they refused a deal that gave them everything they say they wanted on the border is very solid politics. I would actually feel a lot better about the deal if I was 100% sure that the Democrats expected this to happen and literally handed Mitch a dream deal that was actually just a Donald trap.

Honestly when it comes to supporting Ukraine Biden should just order the stuff sent and when asked how it’s going to be paid for act like he’s hard of hearing. Cover it through any of the hilariously large military slush funds for classified projects. Steal some money for projects that are being developed in red districts. It isn’t actually very much money in the context of US military spending.

Let’s be real nobody does creative accounting like the military lol. There’s a reason they can’t pass an audit, and it’s because they basically do what they want. If the defense contractors bitch just cut them in on the Ukraine deal and promise you’ll make them whole in the next defense bill. They’ll play ball.

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Take all the money and equipment we’re sending to Israel and divert it to Ukraine.

Yes Bibi, it’s still on it’s way to Israel we just need to do some testing to make sure it works properly before it’s delivered. We’re doing that in Dontesk so it’s nearer the final drop-off point

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hoo boy

Sounds like NY Dems went with, basically, non-partisan districts, but maybe they fucked with progressives (Bowman) a bit. Shocking development.

C’mon, they’re trying to avoid winning too many seats. They’re in on it.

There is an argument that a 20-6 split that is reliable is better than pushing for something like 22-4 that leaves you open to a small change in voting margins turning into a wave for the other side.

Not sure if that’s exactly what happened here, but that could be a politically prudent reason to not try to stretch the advantage too thin.

That 20-6 split certainly sounds better for party incumbents who would be out of a job if the red wave happens.

There must be enough NYC voters to turn Staten Island and Long Island blue with zero risk if that’s what they wanted.