LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

“From the first time we met we just hit it off and there was a certain relationship that developed that was like, ‘Oh, come on, you don’t believe all that,’” Hannity said of Newsom in a recent interview at Fox News headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. “It was always friendly and never contentious. You can say anything to him. You can have fun with him.”

Sounds like they bonded over both not believing the shit they say/support.


Hey look we finally found someone willing to try fuck you no.

non-paywall link

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is the agency responsible, one would imagine, for housing and urban development. Over the past two decades, America has done far too little urban development—and far too little suburban and rural development as well. The ensuing housing shortage has led to rising rents, a surge in homelessness, a decline in people’s ability to move for a relationship or a job, and much general misery. Yet the response from the federal government has been to do pretty much nothing.

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, the federal government granted $87 billion to the CDC and other health agencies, and paid pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars to create a vaccine. When the property bubble burst, the Bush and Obama administrations earmarked as much as $100 billion to stem the foreclosure crisis (albeit with horrid results). During the financial crisis, Congress created a $700 billion backstop for failing banks. And to jolt the country out of the COVID recession, Washington disbursed nearly $2 trillion to households and businesses—including putting a temporary moratorium on evictions and providing $46 billion to cash-strapped renters.

Yet legislators have not passed a significant bill to get people off the streets and out of shelters. Joe Biden has not signed a law to increase the supply of rental apartments in high-cost regions or to protect families from predatory landlords. Congress has not made more families eligible for housing vouchers, or passed a statute protecting kids from the trauma of eviction, or set a goal for the production of new housing.


Because rich people like things the way they are and you can’t get elected if you want to upend things like the the corner they’ve put on the housing supply.

lol democrats, I’m sure Trump will follow the rules

Chuck Schumer regarding Trump saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country:

JFC. He better follow that up with:


What he should have said:

“Immigrants make us stronger as a nation, as a society, as an economy. They enrich our experiences. As a New Yorker, I can tell you to look no farther than the Bryant Park Winter Village, where you can get food from all corners of the world - Mexican, El Salvadorian, Brazilian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malaysian, Middle Eastern, German, Italian, French, Belgian, Ukrainian, you name it… You can wash it down with local cider and donuts, and hear “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” in a half dozen languages while you stroll around. New York’s holiday markets, decorations, and festivities draw tourists from around the world - and residents get to enjoy it in their own backyard because we welcome and respect our immigrants. This fool wants to build a wall? Well I want to build another row of booths in next years market.”

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Guys you’re never going to believe this. Menendez got bribed by other governments too

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Just remember, eDems lined up behind this jerkoff for a while, which means this is a thread they didn’t want anyone pulling on. So presumably he’s not the only one, they all have their hands dirty, and the entire Congress is up for sale to foreign governments.

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I mean they’re for sale to anyone. Never forget that the big takeaway from ABSCAM was that the FBI should never, ever, ever run a sting operation on politicians ever again.

If we had a functioning democracy we would have a federal police agency with 5-10,000 employees that’s sole mission was to investigate the potential crimes of the rich/powerful. We live in a society where retail employees can realistically expect to be subjected to secret shoppers on a quarterly basis but the most powerful people in the country are basically immune to investigation much less prosecution.

We should be doing ABSCAM type stings so often that nearly every rich person has a federal informant number and will actively snitch if they see anything remotely untoward just because that’s the optimal play.

The rest of us live in a police state meanwhile rich people are so immune they can’t even be bothered to stop when they hit a pedestrian with their car for the second time.

If you are rich/powerful you have absolutely no business breaking any laws. There’s no realistic reason for it, and it sends a dangerously corrosive message about the importance of following the law when the people at the top don’t.

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I got secret shopped at my job recently for the first time. Got a perfect score and was given $100 for it. No clue who or when it was, but if they want to give me a $100 every time they can secret shop me every single day. Your point obviously stands though.


Fetterman is like two years from becoming a Sinema clone, we’ve never seen someone get centrist-pilled this quickly

Yeah for sure dude, the hedge fund factory is full of pinko communists

Fetterman got a masters of public policy from Harvard when he was like 30. GTFO bro.

Meh. He’s consistently strongly pro-Israel and anti- antisemitism, and always has been. The Harvard thing is part of that. Beyond that, where else do you see him being centrist-pilled? He’s Bernie Sanders on economic matters.

What is the context of this tweet?

It’s a quote from here:

Parts of this are even funnier, like, you think Harvard students are learning their anti-Israel arguments in the classroom? Hahaha, oh wow.

We’ve seen a million people go down this path before: “college students are saying things I don’t like” → “college campuses are too woke” → “we need to fix the rampant leftist bias in higher education”. He’s entering step 2 now.

Maybe I’ll be wrong! We’ll see!

I dunno to me it reads more that he just strongly pro Israel. Seems so much of the overall opinion on Israel related issues is linked to age that both young and old people get perplexed that people they otherwise agree with on other topics think differently about it.

An actually possibility of consequences? Feds seeking six months in jail and $200K fine for Peter Navarro in his contempt of Congress conviction.

(I accidentally posted this here while looking for the LOL Law thread, which apparently we don’t have here. So I guess LOL Dems works too.)

No, minor chance he’s even sentenced to jail, but if he is it will get appealed forever then either the fuhrer will pardon him or Biden will for unity, or something

non-paywall link

The article goes into detail about a lot of these expenses, she’s such a grifter even by the high standards of Congress